Chicken Breed Focus - Wyandotte

Is my hen buff laced or red laced? I always thought buff, and that is how she was sold to me, but the OP has made me think otherwise. I'm in the UK and she is a bantam wyandotte.View attachment 2280236

Splash laced red.. an offshoot of blue laced red. :)

ETA: on my screen anyways. :pop
ooooooooh that IS interesting!!!!!

I'm hatching some chicks from my flock and have to guess who the mother is. I wonder what this gene turn up means for them. The father is a splash/paint? silkie
Splash and paint can look similar but are two different genes.. Splash is a blue gene. Paint is one copy of dominant white over black that creates pigment holes. I haven't personally seen them coexistent but figure just about anything can be bred in.

In splash only a portion of the feather may be black. In paint the entire feather will be black.

Here's a fun little calculator to play with and get some ideas.. not all things are included or may even be called something different depending on breed. Nor does it account for leakage.. but it's still semi-useful..

First generation Silkie crosses will be hard feathered.

Happy hatching! :jumpy:jumpy
Splash and paint can look similar but are two different genes.. Splash is a blue gene. Paint is one copy of dominant white over black that creates pigment holes. I haven't personally seen them coexistent but figure just about anything can be bred in.

In splash only a portion of the feather may be black. In paint the entire feather will be black.

Here's a fun little calculator to play with and get some ideas.. not all things are included or may even be called something different depending on breed. Nor does it account for leakage.. but it's still semi-useful..

First generation Silkie crosses will be hard feathered.

Happy hatching! :jumpy:jumpy
Thank you! I looked at his feathers a week ago and the black ones looked totally black from end to end, then yesterday I found this shed feather on the ground so am now questioning exactly what he is. 2 chicks hatched so far are black (skin and feather), and two that didn't hatch were pink skin white feather.

Anyway, enough about Silkies, this is a Wyandotte thread!!
"they do not tend to wander far and are not good flyers." HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH. Had to put a net over the whole run because there was no other way to keep Bessie in. The day she went out in the run for the first time, she ended up on the roof the first night. She's beautiful (Silver laced) but an incredible PITA!

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