Chicken Breed Focus - Isbar (Blue Isbar)

@KYTinpusher that is one of the prettiest egg cartons I've ever seen.

Your birds are gorgeous. Thanks for sharing your experience with these beautiful birds!
Thank you! The Blue Isbar is my favorite breed.

<slaps forehead> Just what I needed - another breed to drool over! Do you people who put these spotlight on breeds know how much it costs to continually replace drooled on keyboards?
They make keyboard covers to help with that.
Good point, Akrnaf2! I was so intrigued by this spotlight that I wandered over to Greenfire Farms web site. Big mistake. Big, BIG mistake. <sigh> They not only had more nice things to say about this breed but they had so many other ones to look at! I thought the world was Easter Eggers, Orpingtons, Brahmas and Red Sex Links. I gotta get out more!
I have a small flock derived from Greenfire's first imports. I agree they are foraging queens. I do not have any blacks at the moment, but 3 adult blues, an adult splash hen, 1 blue pullet we hatched in May, 1 splash pullet hatched in June, and 4 splash pullets hatched in July. We got rid of the roosters we had and will be on the lookout for new sources for spring breeding. One of our hens hatched out eggs in July.

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It was time to add to my flock this year as my old girls were going on 5 yrs. I added Cream Legbars, Swedish Flower Hens and Isbars from GFF in March. The Isbars are my favorite and I know they will be around a long, long time. The rooster is unbelievable sweet natured besides being beautiful. My hen ( I only have one right now) is a consistent layer and the
egg a definite green shade different than the Cream Legbar so I always know who laid which egg.

We have a blue Isbar Rooster and a Splash Hen and currently have 5 chicks that just hatched today! I have 9 more eggs still under the hen, so I am hoping for a few more tomorrow! So far I think 2 of the chicks are blue, one black and one possible splash? Anyone have any luck sexing these guys? We LOVE our Isbars and our rooster is a pet!

Oh my gosh, those little chicks are so cute. Love that last photo especially @TheCains49 !
We have a blue Isbar Rooster and a Splash Hen and currently have 5 chicks that just hatched today! I have 9 more eggs still under the hen, so I am hoping for a few more tomorrow! So far I think 2 of the chicks are blue, one black and one possible splash? Anyone have any luck sexing these guys? We LOVE our Isbars and our rooster is a pet! beautiful!!! Lucky! No idea on sexing them. If you find out let me know...I have some day olds too.

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