Chick with splayed leg??


Jan 27, 2022
Little chick had trouble hatching. He was stuck with the same little pip for over 24h and I had to help him hatch. Well he hatched but can't stand. His legs sort of sway to one side. Is it from being stuck in one position in the egg or the incubator floor? I'm noticing 2/3 times I've used this incubator I've had at least one chick with splayed legs. He's a silkie and the smallest chick to hatch so far.

So chick has problem standing, walking, had curled toes and would stand on the side of the leg so I tried to help w that. He ends up falling and being unable to get up and just paddling with the feet.

I tried fixing it with a band aid, but he still can't stand or get his legs under him. And I'm just saying I will NOT be putting it out of its misery. I just couldn't. If I comes to it I can only leave it for nature to do it thing. But I hope I can get him to be a happy healthy chick.


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Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) which is found in Super B complex tablets, can be crushed 1/4 tablet daily in a spoonful of water, and fed to the chick. Or give a drop or two of Poultry Cell (do not use Nutridrench as it does not have riboflavin.)

The chick could have other leg issues, such as a slipped tendon or leg bone deformity, but maybe it will get better. Or not. Try placing it in a small padded wineglass or cup to let it stand some. A chick sling might also be helpful, and those can be made with socks.

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