Chick starter for my baby quail , does it have enough protein?


9 Years
Apr 5, 2010
Cody, WY
I'm new to quail and of course hatched 4 babies without being totally prepared.
I have chick starter that i give my baby chicks , 18% protein, is that ok for the quail?? Do I need to supplement with ?? I can't seem to find any gamebird starter here where I live.
I'm new to quail and of course hatched 4 babies without being totally prepared.
I have chick starter that i give my baby chicks , 18% protein, is that ok for the quail?? Do I need to supplement with ?? I can't seem to find any gamebird starter here where I live.

chick starter will be fine ...but i would get some game bird starter when your able :) i grow alfa sprouts to maintain their diet after 3 weeks of age easy to grow and 35% natural protein :)
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What you feed your birds really depends on what your goals and expectations are. As has been stated in this section repeatedly lately, everyone does stuff differently. However, if you are trying to raise the most effecient, healthy, high producing flock of birds possible, it is best to feed a higher protien feed to young, developing chicks (26 to 30% protien). The first few weeks of the quail chick's life are extremely important since they are growing at such a rapid rate, and developing so quickly. Feeding a low protien, inferior quality feed can really stunt their growth and early development.

Feed companies are very competative, and spend millions of dollars on research and development to provide the optimum feed mix to maximize the growth potential and health of your birds. Everything that your birds need to thrive is contained in the higher quality feeds available to you today. To think that feeding a lower quality feed to gamebirds that is designed for the needs of chicken chicks, coupled with some "guesswork" supplements added to it, is a good alternative to feeding a premium quality gamebird feed that is produced by experts in the field, simply doesn't make sense.

My goals are to produce large,healthy birds that grow fast and produce well. This is most easily accomplished by feeding the best available commercial feed mix that is available to me. I owe it to myself, to ensure that I achieve my goals, but most importantly, I owe it to the birds that depend on me to provide the best possible food source available. The choice is yours.
Thank you for your replies.
So what brand do you feed it???? I added scrambled eggs this morning to up my protein , and will try to find 28%feed, what brand do you use??

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