Chick pipped/rocked mysterious death


In the Brooder
Apr 2, 2024
I was hatching quails… on day 15 I started to see them rocking. On day 16 still rocking then started peeping. On day 17 rocking and peeping through the egg. But nobody made it out. I got nervous so I started to make safety holes on the air sack. I couldn’t hear any of them chirping. Day 18 they started hatching one after the other. So I decided to open up the ones that hadn’t made it yet. One was still alive so I opened up and let him be. The other three though were dead. The strangest case was an egg that was rocking a lot the day prior. I thought he would be fine. He cracked the egg pretty good, but then when I saw the egg there was blood… I wish I had taken a picture but I think he might have poked a membrane and drowned himself on blood? Because the blood was around his face… he was so close to make it too… it was pretty sad to see. Has anyone encountered a chick like this ?
Hi and :welcome! I am sorry no one has responded to your post yet and also about your quail chick(s). I do not keep quail but hopefully someone will be able to tell you what happened :).
Thank you for answering either way ❤️ it was more of a curious about what could have caused the deaths post. Since then 1 of my 7 passed, unsure of why, it seemed to have happened as he was sleeping one night 🥺
Were your humidity levels where they should be? I hatch bobwhites and day 16/17 are earlllly. I have had them start pipping on day 19 but not earlier than that. But I don't know about other breeds. 60-65% humidity is good for lockdown. However, I am on day 23 with 50 eggs. I accidently goofed and had high humidity for the entire duration and I am experiencing the best hatch ratio I have ever had. So I am perplexed on my own accord!

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