Chick Pipped Early? Blood on shell!? Help!


Oct 23, 2017
Southern Arizona
So I'm currently incubating 7 eggs (1 serama, 6 silkies). The serama was put in a day before the others and hatched this morning with no problem. However, the silkies are only on day 19 and this afternoon, I noticed that one of the silkies had pipped!

It pipped near the bottom, so I couldn't see it well, but there was blood on the shell that had fallen. It looked like it was having trouble breathing down there, and I was worried it would drown, so creaked open the incubator a tiny bit and turned it upright. I can now see it a lot better and there's blood on the membrane. The little beak is out and you can see it opening and closing sometimes, so I know it's still alive. It had pipped right on the edge of the air cell.

What happened? Did the serama hatching early make this one think it was supposed to hatch today instead of tomorrow? It must have ruptured some vein, but I don't know if it was a super important one. Is there anything I should watch for or do to help it? The beak has not moved from that location since I saw it around an hour and a half ago. There are some pictures below. It's hard to see in the photo since it's beak is black....Please help!

Thank you! That makes me feel better. I checked on it this morning and it had moved it's beak back inside the shell and was chirping, which gave me some hope. I had to leave, but I'm hoping it will be hatched when I get home this afternoon, or at least a little closer. far the chick has made no progress since I saw it and took the pics yesterday at around 4:10 PM. I know it's still alive because I hear it chirping, and see movement of it's beak. Should I interfere? Sorry if I'm overthinking this! far the chick has made no progress since I saw it and took the pics yesterday at around 4:10 PM. I know it's still alive because I hear it chirping, and see movement of it's beak. Should I interfere? Sorry if I'm overthinking this!
What is the humidity at? Does the membrane look dry?
@Pyxis any suggestions?
I linked your article on assisted hatching to her earlier, just so you know she has it. ;) far the chick has made no progress since I saw it and took the pics yesterday at around 4:10 PM. I know it's still alive because I hear it chirping, and see movement of it's beak. Should I interfere? Sorry if I'm overthinking this!

Is the air cell drawn on the egg accurate? If so it looks like it might have missed the air cell and had to pip externally instead of internally, which also makes sense with the fact that it externally pipped on day 19. If it did miss the air cell, then it could take more time than normal from external pip to zip, since it basically externally pipped when it would have internally pipped.

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