Chick missing top beak


Oct 21, 2022
Hi, I just had a baby sebright chick hatch and it is missing its top beak. I don’t know if another chick or mom did it but it was bleeding so I don’t think it hatched that way. I put a bit of cornstarch to stop the bleeding but I’m worried that it won’t be able to eat or drink. Has anyone else ever dealt with this? I don’t want to have to put the little guy down but may have no choice ☹️ I don’t want him to suffer.


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Poor thing! How's he doing?
Unfortunately I'm not sure if he'll be able to eat. But its been two days now, how does he seem to be doing with it?
If you didn't want to put him down, and he couldn't eat, he would be special needs and you'd have to feed him yourself. But I also don't think he would be able to preen himself.
He/she is doing good and growing. I’ve been mixing an egg yolk mixed with some medicated crumbles I ground up with mortar and pestle and a little water a bit warmed. I’m feeding with a syringe and he’s going at it like crazy every 2-2.5 hours. It looks like there is a small piece of the top beak still there. I am hoping that at least part of the top beak will grow back. I think he will be able to scoop water up with his beak. I will likely have to either assist with feeding or make a soft mash that can be scooped up. Time will tell. A lot will depend on whether that top beak heals or not. He’s growing and feathers are starting to fill out. There’s a tiny tuft of tail feather starting to show. I’ve got another little sebright sibling in there too so nobody is lonely. They are under a brooder so warmth isn’ t an issue. I will post as we go along but so far so good 🙏🏻 and he’s the sweetest little guy ever ❤️. My husband just informed me I posted this in the wrong spot but I was in a panic when I posted. Thanks for the reply 😊
Chicken farms burn the beaks of chicken to keep them from pecking each other ( I know it's awful) but they learn to eat. With your help hopeful she/he will be ok. Especially if a little piece is left like you suppose. I know that's a cruel example but it was meant to give hope. Keep us posted on how he/she is doing and I wish you the best.
I plan to keep this one close by and will help with feeding for as long as he needs it. I’m retired so I have the time and the baby is soooo sweet ❤️. I’ve been calling him sweet baby. I say ‘him’ but I have no idea of the sex so haven’t picked a name’s likely to just stay sweet baby 😂 I will get some new pics at next feeding.
He/she is doing good and growing. I’ve been mixing an egg yolk mixed with some medicated crumbles I ground up with mortar and pestle and a little water a bit warmed. I’m feeding with a syringe and he’s going at it like crazy every 2-2.5 hours. It looks like there is a small piece of the top beak still there. I am hoping that at least part of the top beak will grow back. I think he will be able to scoop water up with his beak. I will likely have to either assist with feeding or make a soft mash that can be scooped up. Time will tell. A lot will depend on whether that top beak heals or not. He’s growing and feathers are starting to fill out. There’s a tiny tuft of tail feather starting to show. I’ve got another little sebright sibling in there too so nobody is lonely. They are under a brooder so warmth isn’ t an issue. I will post as we go along but so far so good 🙏🏻 and he’s the sweetest little guy ever ❤️. My husband just informed me I posted this in the wrong spot but I was in a panic when I posted. Thanks for the reply 😊
Oh I'm so glad to hear he's doing well!
His whole beak won't grow back, but hopefully with the tiny piece it will grow back some. I'm not sure if it will though.
Its great he's wanting to be syringed fed! I hope he will be able to eat and drink by himself in the future.
Poor baby! S/he's going to be special needs, but birds can live and even thrive with a missing upper beak. Deep dishes, so they can scoop food, and mash or crumble are needed. You may have to file down the lower beak like you would for a cross beak, although without an upper beak he may figure out how to do this himself. I would think if you did a site search on cross beak chicken care most of those should work for this chick.

It sounds like you're able to provide accommodations for him so I think he'll be OK. It sounds like you're doing a great job with him so far!
Thank you! He or she (I think I have a little hen personally) is doing well. Feathers are coming in. She picks at the medicated crumbles and drinks on her own but I am still supplementing with a mix of items including egg yolk, apple sauce, and medicated crumbles. I’m also giving vitamin water daily. She’s growing and eats pretty good from a syringe. I’m hoping she will not need that forever but I’m in for the long haul. She is so sweet that I’m smitten and will do whatever I need to for her ❤️

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