Chick hatching…not sure if this is a problem


Believe in magic 🧙‍♀️
May 19, 2020
NE South Dakota
I have some chicks hatching right now and one has the tip of its beak out. Is this going to be an issue? He can’t zip if his beak is out… he’s blowing bubbles and yellowish stuff is leaking out of the shell. This isn’t my first hatch, but it’s the first time I’ve seen this.
I have some chicks hatching right now and one has the tip of its beak out. Is this going to be an issue? He can’t zip if his beak is out… he’s blowing bubbles and yellowish stuff is leaking out of the shell. This isn’t my first hatch, but it’s the first time I’ve seen this.
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It sounds like it could be drowning. I don't know if these were shipped eggs or your humidity was too high, but it's one or the other.
It's sticking its beak out to breath; it may end up needing assistance, but I would give it some time to absorb its yolk.
How long has it been pipped like this?
I rotated the egg so the pip hole is more at a 2 o’clock position instead of the 5 o’clock position it was in, that seemed to help the wateryness of his situation. When I got up this morning his beak was backed up into the pip hole and it looks like he’s panting. Fingers crossed…
One of the other chicks is out and all but 2 of the remaining eggs are pipped.
All of these eggs are from my own flock, so not shipped and the air cells all looked good the last time I candled. I know sometimes things just happen, but I do hope the little guy makes it :fl
It sounds like it could be drowning. I don't know if these were shipped eggs or your humidity was too high, but it's one or the other.
It's sticking its beak out to breath; it may end up needing assistance, but I would give it some time to absorb its yolk.
How long has it been pipped like this?
He had been pipped for about 3 hours before I posted
I'm pretty sure the chick has passed. His mouth isn't moving anymore and he is extremely...still. :(

I'll give him a little bit yet, but I'm pretty sure he's gone.
I'm sorry.
Were these shipped eggs? If they were not all of the chicks will struggle.
If not, what was you incubation humidity? If it was high, you could have problems with more of the eggs.
I'm sorry.
Were these shipped eggs? If they were not all of the chicks will struggle.
If not, what was you incubation humidity? If it was high, you could have problems with more of the eggs.
Nope, these were all from my own flock. The humidity stayed pretty even 45% throughout incubation. It is at 65-69% now.
I candled the 2 eggs that hadn't pipped yet just a few minutes ago. The one egg had a saddled air cell and I figured would have a tough time. It must have died quite a few days ago and the other egg never should have made it to lockdown... it was clear :th
So, of the other 8 viable eggs, 7 have hatched and the last is pipped.

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