Chick hatched out with one very large eye


Chicken Math Victim
Jul 24, 2022
I have a chick that was born with one normal-sized eye and one eye that is significantly larger.

Despite this, the chick has been behaving normally since it hatched. It eats, drinks, poops, and scratches around without any issues.

There have been no visible signs of infection, both currently and in the past. The chick is able to close and open the larger eye.

I have recently completed a two-week treatment of the eye with Terramycin, but it doesn't seem to have had any effect. The swelling in the eye might have slightly reduced, but it could also be due to the chick growing rather than any changes in the eye itself.

I'm reaching out to see if anyone else has encountered a similar situation and what the outcome was. I'm also open to hearing any suggestions on how to assist this chick further.

Please find attached photos below:

Chick at one week:

Chick at 2 weeks (taken today) good side and large eye side:

I’m no expert, but if it’s made it to 2 weeks, it doesn’t seem to be a lethal deformity. Does the eye seem to have equal vision to the other one? It may just be an odd mutation. My one worry would be if the others peck at the eye.
I’m no expert, but if it’s made it to 2 weeks, it doesn’t seem to be a lethal deformity. Does the eye seem to have equal vision to the other one? It may just be an odd mutation. My one worry would be if the others peck at the eye.
It is really difficult to tell for sure. But my observation is that I do think the chick can currently see out of it. I am also very concerned about it getting pecked especially during integration assuming of course it makes it.
Have you had it with the other chicks at all yet? On the chance that it does make it, I would let it spend time with them now. Newly hatched chicks the first few days can have an attraction to shiny objects, so watch it. If you have to separate it or just let it be with others while you are watching, a small screen or netting can separate it in the brooder. One of my 2 day old baby bantam chicks once pecked everyone’s eyes on the first day home. I had to separate her overnight, and she did not do that anymore, thank goodness. I would use some lubricant ointment (just a tiny dot) or drops in the eye several times a day, just so the eye doesn’t dry out. Here is an affordable one:
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It is really difficult to tell for sure. But my observation is that I do think the chick can currently see out of it. I am also very concerned about it getting pecked especially during integration assuming of course it makes it.
is it an extra small chick? If not it should be able to stand up for itself with the others. The worst that can happen is it gets its eye pecked out/injured beyond repair, even then it has a chance at survival with one eye. As long as it seems to just be a birth defect pecking would be my biggest worry. If you are too scared to put it with the rest, put it next to them, in a way they can see each other, maybe in a smaller cage in wherever they are. It must socialize, mutations or not, but that would take the pecking risk away pretty much.
is it an extra small chick? If not it should be able to stand up for itself with the others. The worst that can happen is it gets its eye pecked out/injured beyond repair, even then it has a chance at survival with one eye. As long as it seems to just be a birth defect pecking would be my biggest worry. If you are too scared to put it with the rest, put it next to them, in a way they can see each other, maybe in a smaller cage in wherever they are. It must socialize, mutations or not, but that would take the pecking risk away pretty much.
It seems to be normal sized for its breed which is English Orpington. I think I will just go super slow with integrating them. First side by side then inside with a place to go the bigs cant reach.

Thank you good advice!

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