Chick Adoption to Hen broody & on Eggs only 3 days??


10 Years
May 24, 2013
Lake Somerville, Texas
(All Silkies):
Chick hatched 15 hours ago and it's looking like an 'only'.
Unrelated Hen went broody 3 days ago and is now sitting on what is Probably unfertilized eggs. (Rooster young, and 15 other eggs didn't develop!)

If I candle eggs tonight, and discover no development veins and I remove.... can I substitute the chick this soon?

Is it too soon in her broody stage for Her to forget that, and be a Mom??

I've done all this before.... but not in such a short time frame. Has anyone else??

THANKS for your answers!! ;)
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I would say, Yes, its to soon for this broody to accept chicks.
Could you elaborate, please?
The earliest I can put the chick under her is tomorrow night. That would be day 5 broody.
Chick will only be 3 days old.
(The eggs she is sitting on 3 days are most likely NOT fertile... long story, so No Loss There.) :)
Thanks .

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