Chick acting strange

Chicken Girl1

Queen of the Coop
6 Years
Mar 3, 2015
I bought 7 chicks from a feed store yesterday and they were all eating, drinking, and running. However this morning Pip, my Easter Egger, is acting strange. She has been sleeping most of the time, I checked for pasty butt but she was clean, she is eating and drinking, just not being active (I wouldn't necessarily say she is lethargic). Also she does this thing where it looks like she is trying to poop but doesn't. I know there probably isn't much I can do right now, I'm just curious if these are symptoms others have had. I have video of her but I'm not sure how to upload it since it's not on YouTube.

(Sorry for any mistakes in my grammar, I'm on a mobile device that doesn't like to cooperate :))

I'm feeding them Dumor chick feed and the bedding is pine shavings, I've used these for the past 5 years for whenever I raise chicks.
Sounds like your doing everything correctly, the chick could just be worn out. When I got my EE's last year, one of them did the same thing, then she was fine. Is or was the chick handled a lot? It could be the chick that everyone was holding at the Feed store.
Sounds like your doing everything correctly, the chick could just be worn out. When I got my EE's last year, one of them did the same thing, then she was fine. Is or was the chick handled a lot? It could be the chick that everyone was holding at the Feed store.
Well, there were signs at the feed store saying you can't handle the chicks and the workers would take them out for you. When we brought them home I didn't let anyone hold, no matter how cute they were :).
could be a worn out chick some of them start slower than others, sounds like you're doing everything fine. I had 2 buff orpington bantam chicks do the same thing and they came around.
Hmm, it could have gotten battered in transport. I am unsure, is the chick getting picked on?

No, none of the chicks in this batch seem to be getting picked more then the others.

I checked on her again and she is running around more. I'm not to worried, I am really curious though to why was looing like she had to poop really bad but ended up not doing it (that is the best way to explain it but I wish I could upload a video). Thanks for everyone's replies!
I'm worried now, Pip (the chick acting strange) is now sleeping almost all day and when she walks looks very weak and tired. I forced her beak into the water and after that she drank some, checked for pasty butt, she had none. She is barely playing around with the others and when she does she stops after a couple of steps to rest. I picked her up and she felt limp and small, not sure what I should do. I think I read some where that you should feed the chick sugar water if it is stressed or lethargic?
yeah you can try sugar water, I give my chicks electrolytes from the feed store as well. I had one buff orpington do the same thing unfortunately it was too late, the chick wasn't growing and just kinda faded... It's not fun, I'm rooting for your chick.

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