Checking-In On Peeps - Post Here To Say Hello!

Hello, that's sounds like fun. Life gets intense and crazy. Chicken math continues to happen here, but we are keeping all our birds penned this year to keep our porches, flowerbeds and gardens neat as they like to escape the pasture. We have a rooster who still free ranges and he sure is a funny sight. I would have loved to see the animal who was disappointed to take off with only his tail. And I'm so proud of that tail for saving him and I need to wonder how many of the girls he also saved with losing that tail. It makes him look like only half a rooster.

We have 2 quackers as of now, not hope to get more when we have better set up.

We just got a trampoline to fence around to use for a chicken trailer to protect the chickens and keep them in pasture.

Not sure what else would be interesting to note right now. But it's sure good to be back. Looking forward to reading again. I love learning on here.
Thanks for the nice words, glad you have you back!

Wow, it sounds like you’ve got quite the lively bunch over there! Ya, we've dealt with the pros/cons of free-ranging flock vs. protecting garden, porch (from poop) etc.

The trampoline chicken trailer idea is super creative! We'd LOVE to see pics! Keep us posted! 😊🐓🦆
Ah, I see I'm not the only one getting this request for an update. Sorry, no chicken news from me any more. I had to give my last chickens away 5 years ago. First they got badly decimated by a weasel or something similar, I never caught it. Then a few got ill. Then lack of time and life in general got in the way and I gave the last ones, the Chabo Bantams, to someone in the neighborhood. Maybe one day I'll have time again and get new ones, who knows.
So sorry to hear about your chicken troubles. :(

I've heard weasels are really terrible to protect against. We have coons in our area and they are THE-WORST... but I'm wondering if weasels are even more problematic?

Maybe one day, you’ll have the time and space to get back into raising BYChickens.
You sent me an email asking for an update, here it is: Chickens are doing well now. 2022&2023 were not good years for us because of foxes. But I think we are a little better now. We're getting about 6 eggs a day from 10 hens, which doesn't sound great but I still have a few of my original hens that were hatched in our first year of chickens: 2016. So they are now 8 years old and not as productive, but because of the attachment to family we carry them in our flock. I do have a rooster. His breed is "Production Red" and he is about 13 pounds and we look forward to him being the father of the next generation for 2024 chicks. After that we'll grill him. If you want to know something specific, let me know.
Thanks for the update! I'm happy to hear your chickens are doing well... especially considering years dealing with the foxes! Ya, another really challenging predator!

Six eggs a day from your mix sounds just about perfect to me!

Your Production Red rooster... wow, 13 pounds! Keep us posted (with pics) of him and his posterity!!
aaah, just saw the email lol. I'm still alive as well lol, but unfortunately I don't have any birds at the moment.

Moved across the country a few years prior and had to give all of them away :(, and currently too occupied to get new ones. Give it a couple more years and I'll probably get more tho :)

I should probably edit my profile to reflect this and tbh i'm genuinly suprised how many people still give me a happy birthday, really appreciate that :D
Moving + giving away your birds must have been tough.. that's a lot of change!

Glad to know you’re considering getting more in a few years... definitely keep us posted when you do!
Yep, that's me! I retired and moved up to property in the mountains 6 years ago. It's kept me so busy I just haven't been online much. I'll try to do better.
I do not have any of my original 4 chickens left, but now have about 30 in several different coops and runs. Too many roosters forces me to separate everyone. I give away what I can, but just can't bring myself to kill any of them. They are good roosters and watch over the girls when they are out foraging. Predator pressure from hawks, eagles, bobcats, coyotes, etc., keeps me vigilant, and I've had some very close calls. The only loss from a predator so far was a rooster killed during the night by an ermine!
I've lost too many chickens to coccidiosis though. Both hens and roosters. I now use a regimen of CocciAid (Amprolium) for 1 week, then FlockLeader Recover Plus (probiotics w/electrolytes and oregano) for a week. It's a lengthy process, but they seem to recover fine.
Something about mountain living always sounds appealing to me... but then I think I'd miss my Amazon 2-day deliveries. LOL!

Congrats on growing your flock... but ya, tricky managing a bunch of roosters. At least partially earning their keep by protecting the rest of the girls!

Thanks for sharing your updates. Please pop in when you can!
Hi all!
We are keeping busy and learning how to adapt to a new city that requires chickens to be enclosed. Our girls are doing better at staying inside the fencing.
Is that a city requirement? I don't know that I've heard of that before... mostly just requiring they be kept to one's own yard.

How are you keeping them inside the fencing? Ours are escape artists. LOL!
Hello-a. everything is going fine with me, just busy with work and other things. Ducks are doing fine, although I lost Percy a few months back. Virgil is my old man and he's going strong. I'd post pics but I don't have them on this computer apparently
Welcome back to BYC Glad your ducks are doing good sorry that you lost one. Would love to see pictures when you can get some!
Hey there, appreciate the check in :) I actually just got back onto BYC recently, so the timing worked out.
We got our pen built for our flock and have had some additions and subtractions of our birds over the last 3 years, but it's all balancing out and been a whirlwind of experience.
We started with 9 Silver Appleyards, including a male, and we now have 3 of those gals still laying for us. We just got 9 more ducklings last year and they started laying for us this year: 3 blue Swedish, 3 Ancona & 3 Welsh harlequin, including a male. We've lost several this year due to various reasons (parasites, niacin deficiency & predation). But learned a new lesson each time and made adjustments to hopefully strengthen/protect the flock moving forward, including adding apple cider vinegar to their water every day to help with parasite issues, adding brewer's yeast to their feed & installing tall trellises in their open, outside run to deter air predators.
The fowl math is working its magic on me, though, as I'm getting 25 broilers in next month along with several geese to help with additional flock protection :jumpy
Loving the journey and always appreciate the insight that can be gained from BYC posts!!
Welcome back to BYC! Sorry for the ones you lost glad the others are doing good!

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