Checking-In On Peeps - Post Here To Say Hello!

Hi good to here from yall yes love being part of the coop. Foxes got in & killed the last 2 of my pet speckled Sussex. So in Jan 2nd I picked up 7 rock bars & 3 brown & black ones now they should be laying any day. They were hatched 12/23...
I'm sorry for your losses. Congratulations on the new chicks.

I'm noticing the hens crowns are starting to grow bigger & from light pink to bright red my guess that's when they are mature?
I have started a bachelor flock. When I see roos that need rehomed, I try to help. And so far, the only problem is one little silkie who wants to fight me! There is always a bit of scuffling, to be expected, but after that is all sorted out, they get along fine.
I had made a post on a local poultry site, offering to take roos that need rehomed, and I got a few negative comments. But the majority of chicken owners understand that they will not fight for hens, if there are none.
Also, I am raising a couple baby geese. Hoping they will integrate well into the flock. I have only ever had ducks, so I am up for any advice.
I think that is wonderful of you. I'd love to see some photos of your bachelor flock if you have time to post them. Good luck with your evil silkie!
Yup -- still here, though I've only got the one hen left. She's 5 years old and doesn't lay anymore, but she's a good old girl and she gave an egg a day since she started, so she's earned a decent retirement. ;-)
I love that you are giving your hen a great retirement. I have an old hen (8yo) who started laying again this spring. She's already laid more than she did all of last year.
Hi BYC 🙂
We have grown from 16 hens, 2 roosters and 5 ducks to 26 hens, 2 roosters and 5 ducks, and expecting 3 hens and 3 more ducks. And our eggs basket now have vibrant colours including white, blue, turquoise and speckled. Still want to find olive and dark red layers. Naughty hens made a hole into allotment fence another day and there was carnage :-( Peas, tatties, brassicas suffered and attack and damage.
Welcome back and thanks for the beautiful pictures and the update. Was the 98-gram egg a double or triple yolker? It's huge! I hope you're able to find those olive and dark red layers soon.
We have such a vibrant community here at BYC... tons of active friendly members. Of course, life gets busy, so I was thinking it would be fun to start a thread welcoming some of our peeps we haven't heard from in a while.

If that's you, come say hello and let us know what you've been up to. :)

(if that's not you, feel free to invite peeps you haven't seen in a while and say hi to those that post here)
Hello! We've had some wonderful adventures with chickens since joining - wild fires, bear attacks, hawk attacks, sour crop, random death...but the forums here most definitely have a lot of answers!

Funny this comes now as this morning, one of my hens has now decided after 2 years of being with me...she wants to crow 🤦‍♀️
I'm hoping its just a phase as my neighbours did not like it when we had a rooster.
New Hens arriving for the coop! All did well except for one; she passed away the next day 🙁. I have found it best (when adding to existing flock) to place them in the Coop at night. We're two weeks in, and all but 3 have folded right into the existing hierarchy. They are mostly gold and red sexlinks, with a California Spec and 2 black french pullets added in.
I love seeing everyone's photos, and reading all experiences.
Hens transport.JPG
Greetings everyone. We are currently between chickens. We had to move to a larger home after my mom died and my father moved in with us. The new home is not really setup for chickens. We tried, but the proximity to the woods and determined raccoons ruined that for us.

However, we have a friend that has several chickens and we provide her with produce in exchange for fresh eggs so we are still doing our best to participate.
HI!!! Just working and taking care of the birds!!!! They are a lot of fun. My ever evolving garden takes up alot of my time too!! working on uploading some pics, but I must admit that I am far more knowledgeable with all things plant and soil than I am with electronics and technology!!! Keep on planting!!
Welcome back! Thanks for checking in. I'm the opposite, I am more knowledgeable with all things electronics and technology than plant and soil! If you can't figure out how to upload pictures, let me know and I will help you!

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