Chat room for non religious poultry keepers! :D

Chilly and drizzly here today. I want to go plant my garden start seeds (tomatoes and peppers) today in the green house. It's only passive solar heat, and we won't have much sunshine for the next 4 days. But the seeds can get in the dirt and start softening up, getting ready to sprout.
Chilly and drizzly here today. I want to go plant my garden start seeds (tomatoes and peppers) today in the green house. It's only passive solar heat, and we won't have much sunshine for the next 4 days. But the seeds can get in the dirt and start softening up, getting ready to sprout.
I’m just going to buy started plants this year. I started seeds last year and every other year and it’s so much work and I end up just throwing tons of them away anyway cause I always start way more than I can use and/or they die. Buying a few plants is much easier lol

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