Chat room for non religious poultry keepers! :D

Welp. Been nice knowing y'all. Think the cold might win though.

Just know I didn't go without a valiant fight. Valhalla here I come
"If you treat your cold with medicine, it will be gone in 7 days. If you do nothing, it will be gone in 7 days." You said today was day 3 or 4? It is just getting in its final punches before your body knocks it on its ass. Hang in there! 💪🏻🤗❤️
Man do I miss being able to get away with 2 hours of sleep
The older I get, the more I value sleep. I've also read that it's when your brain does its "housekeeping." I miss the productivity of those extra hours, but the possibility of Alzheimer's or other dementia scares the crap out of me.
Wall sits are amazing, though! Gives your legs and butt a nice shape
Ha! Never heard of these. I gotta give them a try. I have never thought of my legs as having a nice shape, so this might help.
Do what you need to do for you! We're always here.
Awww thank you!!! You guys help a ton too though even just being there/chatting about random stuff so it’s a toss up because isolating myself is not good either. But neither is being on too much and I’ve been doing that. And I do also have IRL friends and professionals to help me too so idk. It’s hard. I might just cut back a bit. But if I’m gonna do that then I’d rather just take a full break and reset and come back when I’m ready. So I have to think about it.
The older I get, the more I value sleep. I've also read that it's when your brain does its "housekeeping." I miss the productivity of those extra hours, but the possibility of Alzheimer's or other dementia scares the crap out of me.
Yeah, I wasn't productive those extra 6 hours anyways. It was mostly because most of my rp partners at the time were on completely different time zones and so my night time was the only time we were all pretty free for more than 2 minutes.

After reading about what all can happen without enough sleep during college, I started getting 4 and 6 hours whenever I could

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