Chat room for non religious poultry keepers! :D

That thread is, like, so not fair! I cannot hike anymore due to nerve damage that causes my knee to give out. They should totally not be allowed to have a thread that totally excludes me just because I have a bum knee. 😒

*Total sarcasm. I do not whine and cry about such things.*

Though, all of the threads are accessible to everyone, so where the division is, I do not know. People can pop in and out of everywhere. No one cares. Just do not go in somewhere starting crap and all of the threads will welcome you. 🤷🏻‍♀️
First Half GIF

No but seriously though, you are exactly right!!! Everyone is welcome everywhere as long as they’re not causing trouble so there is no division. I think the original post was more just to find other likeminded people if there were any rather than to say ALL RELIGIOUS PEOPLE MUST GO AWAY. That would be different. We’ve had civil religious people in here before and it’s been fine.
🙄 what exactly does that have to do with anything? It's our choice not to have religion of any nature forced into our thread. Some of us don't want to have to deal with religion being forced upon us to have a conversation so this is a place where we can freely converse
Who the heck is forcing religion on you? It's just stupid that this kind of thread is on a place like this.
First Half GIF

No but seriously though, you are exactly right!!! Everyone is welcome everywhere as long as they’re not causing trouble so there is no division. I think the original post was more just to find other likeminded people if there were any rather than to say ALL RELIGIOUS PEOPLE MUST GO AWAY. That would be different. We’ve had civil religious people in here before and it’s been fine.
Me. I am a somewhat civilized, not really, but I try to be, religious person that has nowhere to hang out, so I hang out everywhere. Usually spreading seeds of chaos and confusion and sitting back and watching them spread because, oh what fun that is. And because my brain moves faster than a plummeting brick so I get lost easily and where in hell was I going with this...? 🤣
Try gargling warm salt water. Works wonders, and salt help keeps germs out of any possible tiny abrasions that may be back there.

Yes! Lots of water and ~8 hours of sleep every night will help keep your defenses up. 💪🏻
I dunno, 8 hours is a pretty tall order. I don't have to get up tomorrow for work though, so I can probably get closer to seven if I don't dream
Me. I am a somewhat civilized, not really, but I try to be, religious person that has nowhere to hang out, so I hang out everywhere. Usually spreading seeds of chaos and confusion and sitting back and watching them spread because, oh what fun that is. And because my brain moves faster than a plummeting brick so I get lost easily and where in hell was I going with this...? 🤣
Oh man

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