Chat room for non religious poultry keepers! :D

Please, @TheDawg,

do not get a gun. You can make irrevocable decisions in split second in the heat of the moment. You can do things that will never, ever be undone.

There are MANY, MANY people who would miss you if you were gone from this forum or this world. I am one of them. Please take care of yourself and don't hurt me and others by leaving.
Thanks Sally :hugs :hugs

I really appreciate you and everyone else.

Thankfully I don’t think I’m legally allowed to get a gun because Massachusetts does background checks and requires a license or permit or whatever it’s called and I’ve been in the hospital numerous times so I don’t think they would give me one. Which is probably for the best. I also wouldn’t actually get one anyway because I know it would end badly. But if I was allowed to get one, I might impulsively. Who knows. But thankfully, they would never give me one in a million years. :lau
Please, @TheDawg,

do not get a gun. You can make irrevocable decisions in split second in the heat of the moment. You can do things that will never, ever be undone.

There are MANY, MANY people who would miss you if you were gone from this forum or this world. I am one of them. Please take care of yourself and don't hurt me and others by leaving.
I was thinking stupid stuff last night but I’m better today. Sort of. The stupid stuff was
wondering if anyone would care if I was gone when I KNOW people would. LOTS of people.
but it was also
somewhat wishing I could have a gun even though I know that would be a very very bad idea
so the latter I’m still thinking about a little bit.
Now you know that is not a good idea. Please don’t do that.

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