Chat room for non religious poultry keepers! :D

yeah it’s
The dictionary definition for me. Basically relating to or believing in a religion.

It's a good view! Hopefully it gives you some peace. ❤️

All of my original birds are long gone at this point, sadly. My oldest is 13 this year, though. :th

From the sounds of it, yes 😳
yeah it’s different mine is helping
Hmm, that's interesting. 🤔 You don't have to be religious to help people, though, so those things differ for me I guess.
like mother theresa i’m thinking.
Religion to me = Bible thumper, no disrespect. Or in my mother in laws case "you're all going to hell" thats what she says all the time shes catholic 🙄 she told my step daughter if she marries a woman she won't be at the wedding.... she's 15 why would you tell her that! She cried for 3 days
I'd have been tempted to say thanks for letting you know so your daughter won't have to waste money on her invitation
I'd have been tempted to say thanks for letting you know so your daughter won't have to waste money on her invitation
Oh her dad said his peace about it lol he was not happy. She tells her it's a phase all the time. Like she's gonna pray the gay away 🙄 lemme know how that works out 🤣 then there's me who buys her suits for homecoming 😁
ok i guess i understand. no wonder you wouldn’t want someone yelling about hell. but i think someone like mother teresa is awesome. i would welcome anyone like her with open arms 💕
Mother Teresa founded Missionaries of Charity, a religious congregation, which grew to have over 4,500 nuns across 133 countries as of 2012.[6]The congregation manages homes for people who are dying of HIV/AIDS, leprosy, and tuberculosis. The congregation also runs soup kitchens, dispensaries, mobile clinics, children's and family counselling programmes, as well as orphanagesand schools. Members take vows of chastity, poverty, and obedience and also profess a fourth vow: to give "wholehearted free service to the poorest of the poor.”

i just love her
Thank goodness for people like you
Well I've had friends all my life in the community, I've had gfs before I got married to men and my now husband's best friend of over 20 years is gay and his partner and I are now best friends lol he's the Thelma to my Louise 😉 plus after 50 years my grandfather came out to the family so that took guts! There's a place in Valhalla for people like them all imo
Well, see, I go work in the garden, and come back and y'all have moved on. :)
I have shirts and shoes older than you!
Yup. Me too.
I stopped counting after 40
I once told my chiropractor that he and I were the same age, if I counted my age in base 14.
quick question. what is your definition of religious.?
it may be different than mine.

The dictionary definition for me. Basically relating to or believing in a religion.
Same here. Or, holding very firmly to a belief, even if it has nothing to do with religion, so more of a colloquial phrase. "She plants her garden by phases of the moon religiously."

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