Chat room for non religious poultry keepers! :D

So that means you have the Malay already. Very exciting !
Yes, but my only Malay hen that was laying was killed by my dad's Turkey tom, recently. Now I gotta wait longer before continuing the project Giant Silkies. Got 2 hens I'm waiting on to start laying, but I may have to cross Malay rooster over Silkie hen, instead.
Yes, but my only Malay hen that was laying was killed by my dad's Turkey tom, recently. Now I gotta wait longer before continuing the project Giant Silkies. Got 2 hens I'm waiting on to start laying, but I may have to cross Malay rooster over Silkie hen, instead.
Is that risky? I know your silkies are already bigger than standard. Actually do your brahma/silkies mature earlier? And are they heftier?
Is that risky? I know your silkies are already bigger than standard. Actually do your brahma/silkies mature earlier? And are they heftier?
Only if the rooster is rough.

I no longer have a Brahma/Silkie. He was the rooster that I made for starting the project.
He matured pretty quickly actually. Started breeding between 3-4 months instead of the average 5-6.
Hey, kinda lost track of this thread for a bit! :frow

I've heard that that happens pretty often with toms mixed with chickens. Sorry for your loss. :(
Odd thing is, he only targeted my Malay hens. No other breed has been killed. 2, Malay hens left after a hen, & a pullet got squished.
Ah, it was just a thought. Who knows? Either way, an unfortunate loss. :hmm

Anyway, how is everyone's weeks going otherwise? I spent most of this week building a nice, big pen for my silkied Cochins so that I can split them up for breeding, and I've got babies hatching today. 🥰

Ah, it was just a thought. Who knows? Either way, an unfortunate loss. :hmm

Anyway, how is everyone's weeks going otherwise? I spent most of this week building a nice, big pen for my silkied Cochins so that I can split them up for breeding, and I've got babies hatching today. 🥰

It's just weird.


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