Chat room for non religious poultry keepers! :D

We have 58 chickens currently. We culled 12/15 about a week, or so ago.

So, the math 58 + 12 = 70, chickens. Close to our average of 72.
We were actually supposed to cull 15, but I forgot 2, & a hen decided to molt late.
Add the 3 back, there'd be a total of 71 birds, if I didn't butcher the 12.

We have 58 chickens currently, so less then our average.
40 acres is alot, so plenty of space to roam. We only have 10 acres.
Yeah, got very blessed honestly when we got our land. Originally ten acres but the land around us was cow pasture, we kept a eye on the guy's cattle and when he got out offered it to us. So now the whole land is almost the way it was originally under the original owner.

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