Changing waterer


9 Years
Nov 18, 2013
Hi all: just wanted to get help/suggestions. We had a 1gallon plastic waterer. We bought a new 2gallon metal waterer. My 2 girls are 1.5 yrs old. I have dipped their beaks in the new waterer twice. I kept the plastic waterer and is in yard for them when they free range. They go to that waterer ok but we have yet to see them use new waterer. Water level gets lower but wonder if its evaporation. Any advice?

They are probably using the old water because they are familiar with it. They may be using the new one, just not when you are looking. You can try to get them to use it, by completely removing the old one. If they are thirsty they will us the new one.

I get that question all of the time with the automatic drinker cups I sell. Chickens will go to what they are used to. If they have has water from another source and the new source is gone, they will go to the new source and be fine. If they have the option to use both, they will probably use both but are slower to try new things. It is always good to keep an eye on them to make sure they do not get dehydrated but chickens are smarter than people give them credit for. Turkeys on the other hand.....

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