Central FL - Is 4 weeks safe to go outside?


Oct 4, 2023
Hey guys!!

We have our first batch of Cornish cross chicks growing. They’re 3 weeks 6 days old today. We’ve had them in our garage floor with cardboard and shavings down in a puppy pen with brooder plates for a couple weeks now, and today I shut them off at noon to acclimate them to daytime without heat (will turn back on at 5Pm tonight.) I’ll be doing this for a couple days and planning on shutting them off entirely on Thursday so they get used to no heat at all, and anticipating a move to the outdoor coop Saturday or Sunday after we process our three spare roosters that are currently in it. The coop is wrapped in plastic clear sheeting (the stuff painters lay down on the floor.) It provides a great wind break and gets pretty warm in there during the daytime.

I’m a little worried it might be too soon as we are in mid Feb north central FL and nighttime temps can reach 40s but daytime is 60-80. They’re pretty well feathered out already, other than naked spots that is common for the breed as we all know.

Is it too soon? Or are we timing this right? Looking for reassurance as a newbie chick-mama.

Thanks folks!!

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