Ccop question


In the Brooder
Mar 18, 2015
I wish I could get pictures uploaded but I'm having issues doing that. My coop is about waist high. I blocked off the nest boxes since the girls are only 5 weeks. I do plan on using pine shavings once they start laying, is that a good ideas r is straw better In the boxes??

I don't have any poop boards since the floor is what is below the roosts. I have some trays on the floor that will make cleaning up a little easier. I currently have powder Pdz in the trays and started putting pine shavings thrown on top. The chicks have been in the coop only for a few days so far. I noticed today that it seems very dusty. Should I use granular Pdz instead of powder form? If I should be doing something differently now I'd like to make the change. Should the pine shavings be thickly covered?

Thanks in advance!
Straw can harbor mites (inside the straws). Some do use it. It is a personal preference.

I use sand (I wear an N95 mask when sifting with kitty litter scoop.) There is a "got sand you should" thread that is good.

I never had much luck with the granular PDZ myself. I preferred the powder.

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