Cayuga duck sexing help?


In the Brooder
Aug 2, 2019
I am a first time owner of ducks.bI have 4 Cayugas, and would love help sexing them! They were born May 14th and I ordered 3 females and got 4!
1st is my boy? Sheldon

2nd is my girl Scarlett
3rd is another girl my biggest Lillyann
4th is my final bigger female Lola


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I think that everyone but Sheldon may be female. I'm a little unsure about Scarlett.

What do they're voices sound like? Are they more of a "quack" or a croak (kind of like a deep frog croak)?
Sheldon has the barking low toned "quack" like a frog. Honestly he hardly quacks at all, but I recently noticed Lillyann my largest female has a harsh deeper "quack". Sheldon was always the smallest and had a white spot under his beak when little. Lillyann was also my smallest female, until recently she is the biggest.
Scarlett is the smallest female now and the most tame. I do however find her in my boorder box alone every morning. Also is there a reason their beaks are an olive color at the tip working its way back to their nostrils? Thanks for the advice! I am going to listen to their quacks closely this evening.
Beautiful ducks!!!!
I'm very new to ducks . Just a duck keeping duckling myself.
I have 3 8 weeks old cayuga's. I'm almost 100 % sure they are females because they are demanding. When they don't get their way they voice their opinion in a very loud way.
If they weren't so freaking pretty and entertaining I wouldn't put up with thier attitudes. :lau
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Sheldon has the barking low toned "quack" like a frog. Honestly he hardly quacks at all, but I recently noticed Lillyann my largest female has a harsh deeper "quack". Sheldon was always the smallest and had a white spot under his beak when little. Lillyann was also my smallest female, until recently she is the biggest.
Scarlett is the smallest female now and the most tame. I do however find her in my boorder box alone every morning. Also is there a reason their beaks are an olive color at the tip working its way back to their nostrils? Thanks for the advice! I am going to listen to their quacks closely this evening.
Sheldon sounds like he may be a male then. The males have more of a frog sound, and the females have more of an actual quack. When they get older watcj their tail feathers for curly feathers. Males have curly tail feathers.
See my reply to:
Thread :
>> Khaki Campbell Ducklings - HELP !

I did a in depth description of how to find if you have Girls or Boys ... :jumpy

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