**Cautionary Heat Story**


Crossing the Road
Premium Feather Member
9 Years
Feb 12, 2015
North Florida
Just posting to illustrate how serious heat can be. Lost a pullet today, young, would have been a year old in August. No signs of illness previous, absolutely zero. Was seemingly fine at 3 PM, found her dead at 5:30 PM, in the shade. My temp currently reads 103 F in the shade. I did a very quick necropsy, her core temp was 116.8 F. Felt HOT inside. Also found a fair amount of abdominal fat and liver showed very early signs of fatty liver disease, very early. Her liver did not hemorrhage, it was intact and there were no signs of any internal bleeding, and all other organs looked normal. So treats will be cut back for all and just wanted to let people who may not realize how serious heat can be for chickens. I do many things for relief from the heat for them, but wasn't enough in this case. Since I found nothing else wrong, have to assume this was heat stroke. Take the heat seriously folks!
I do all the common methods of cooling, many of which are mentioned in the link above. I change water often to keep it cool. I put frozen bottles in the waterers. I have shallow dishes out they can stand in in the shade. I use frozen jugs in front of fans. I wet the ground in the shade. I have planted to add more shade and have put up a sun shade in one corner of the run. I have fans in the coop to circulate the air. I give frozen berries and watermelon. Had I seen a bird in distress i would have dunked it to cool it off or taken it into the A/C long enough to cool off and hydrate. Sometimes things happen no matter how prepared you think you are. This is the first bird I've lost to heat, so mostly I think I do a good job. No explanation for this one. :hit
Wow, sorry for your loss. That's pretty darn hot for you guys this early in the year isn't it? (103 in the shade)
Yes it is a bit early. All the nastiness in the midwest is pushing the hot temps this way in front of it. The next week is supposed to be just awful.
Yes it is a bit early. All the nastiness in the midwest is pushing the hot temps this way in front of it. The next week is supposed to be just awful.
We've had near record high temps here as well, although not nearly that toasty. Hope you folks have some cooler relief weather soon:fl, I know FL folks are used to hot but man that just seems REALLY hot.
So sorry for your loss. It sounds like you handle hot temperatures well. We have a little heat here in the Ohio Valley in summer, but nothing like Florida. We have bushes to get under, shaded pig pans of water to stand in, and shade in one part of the yard for most of the day.

I have read where some hens have a predisposition to fatty liver disease, along with the other causes. It is interesting that that may be the cause of her heat stroke. Thanks for posting this—I am sure that it will hopefully help others to be observant, and to provide a good environment in the heat.

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