Capturing ferals

Can you sell the pigeons if you capture them??? meaning, is there a market for them in your area?
I was going to suggest what Hokum Coco:thumbsup stated above. I just ran across this thread now. That is the easiest way. Of course there are other ways, like at night in the dark, but do get challenging, maneuvering among some high hard to reach spots. Then you are doing only one or two each time. Could be labor and time intensive.
If you can sell them, construct a temp aviary in section of your yard. Frame out with light lumber lats and chicken wire. Provide a small (narrow) doorway to enter, and plenty of roost space from branches. Tarp cover top to keep most weather out.
Go at night with a big carrier and a ladder and because it is dark they should not fly away. That is usually a really easy way stray birds are caught. Also I'm part of a pigeon rescue group for people in the UK so let me know if you need them rehomed as I'm sure we could manage between all the volunteers.
Thanks! That's really good you volunteer with a pigeon rescue group. One problem I have is most of the pigeons are about 30-40' up on the rafters of the barn! There are some more that are in a normal height stable about 10'. I have an large old dog crate that I'm going to convert one side with a drop down ledge and wires, sort of like a sputnik trap, and leave it on top of the stalls with food and water in. Then hopefully they may work their way in and not be able to exit. If it work I'm definitely going to need to rehome them though! There is to many for my loft. One thing I'm not sure about though is what to do with nests and youngsters.
A wire pen/trap baited with grain and bobs or funnels for the birds to get in sometimes works.

I'd say this is the second best way to live trap them. The first, if you can physically do so, is to go in at night to their roost with a flashlight and just grab them with your hands or a net. They cannot really see at night and flashlights seem to sort of paralyze them like a deer in headlights. This method also ensures you can grab any and all squabs, if you're willing to raise them as well. This time of the year, you can almost surely bet there are many squabs in there.

If you need to cage trap them, I've found that outside of the cold winter months you really need to settle them to the trap first by baiting it with food AND water for several days with the bobs open, so they can go in and out for some time, then withhold it for a few days and put it back with the bobs down. Rinse and repeat. In cold weather, I have found they are so hungry they will trap in with bobs down first try.

If you are wiling to sit and watch the trap for a few hours, consider placing one of your own birds in the trap, as Hokum said they gravitate towards other birds and will definitely notice a bird already in the trap safely eating the food.
Thanks! That's really good you volunteer with a pigeon rescue group. One problem I have is most of the pigeons are about 30-40' up on the rafters of the barn! There are some more that are in a normal height stable about 10'. I have an large old dog crate that I'm going to convert one side with a drop down ledge and wires, sort of like a sputnik trap, and leave it on top of the stalls with food and water in. Then hopefully they may work their way in and not be able to exit. If it work I'm definitely going to need to rehome them though! There is to many for my loft. One thing I'm not sure about though is what to do with nests and youngsters.

The youngsters can be hand reared by a rehabber if someone lives close enough to get to you so that may not be an issue. Keep us updated.
I've heard people train tumbler breeds in action or family name only (tipplers/tippletts, high fliers, flying flights, ect) to come to them or trap to mobile lift, letting them get ferals/strays attention then calling or tossing food to mobilr loft trap and maybe tossing down droppers (I use rollers as droppers for my new racing n homers. Lol). Doing at night is tedious and dangerous possibly, so trapping many at time with tame pigeons is easiest, as you can go up to nests and get young without worrying about parents spooking you off ladder ect. Or just leave the parents that are sitting on nests to raise their young who'll bring them down as fledge then get them and parent.
Thankyou to everyone for your advice but I fell short on this. The owners had called in the 'pest control' people and they came today. I'm gutted. There was some really nice birds in there was but too many. Thank you again. Hopefully all your advice and input can be used another time.
Thankyou to everyone for your advice but I fell short on this. The owners had called in the 'pest control' people and they came today. I'm gutted. There was some really nice birds in there was but too many. Thank you again. Hopefully all your advice and input can be used another time.

:hugsSorry. Focus on the good... you rescued theinjured racer. I know you have a busy life and it says something about your character that you would take the time and trouble to aid birds that don't even belong to your flocks.

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