Canker / Not Seeing Immediate Results


7 Years
Feb 23, 2016
Last Thursday, I started treating E with Metronidazole 250mg, with 1.5 tsp copper sulfate solution ( Acidified copper sulfate crystals mixed with Apple cider vinegar and water) in 2 quarts of water in the water feeder, starting this past Sunday (fresh water along with solution every day). I've administered the metronidazole grinded up in mushy oatmeal for 4 days, then used cat food for the past three. She'll take a few bites then stop. The way she ate last night makes me think the lesion has grown.

I'm getting frustrated - how long does it take for the medicine to work? Today is the 7th day of Metronidazole (she really didn't have much so I'll try again this evening), third day of the copper sulfate solution. Do I keep giving her Metronidazole or copper sulfate solution - or both? I don't feel any lumps in her throat. This morning, she had two small bites then stopped. I gave her some of the water with copper solution this am. She stands huddled but over the weekend, ran for food.

Am I too late with treatment?
I've administered the metronidazole grinded up in mushy oatmeal for 4 days, then used cat food for the past three. She'll take a few bites then stop.
The way she ate last night makes me think the lesion has grown.
Can you see the lesion inside of the beak? Any photos?

Your mixing the Metronidazole with food, but you mention she's eating a few bites and stopping. To me, this would indicate she's not getting a full daily dose of medication, is this correct?

I'd administer the medication directly. Open the beak, pop the pill into the beak, then let her swallow.

I know some folks use both Metronidazole and ACS at the same time, since this does not seem to be effective or you're not seeing improvement, consider she's either not getting enough (not drinking and eating), the canker is quite advanced and may not be treatable or she may not have canker which the medication will not treat to begin with.

It may be time to seek vet care to get on top of this and get an official diagnosis.
I spoke with a poultry biologist, Peter Brown, and he said first separate the chicken from al others, second get some Oxine and treat a gallon of water with 15 drops all the time. It kills bacteria that can grow in the water. Next he said to treat with the Metronidazole 250mg twice a day. Also, he said to try and get the canker deposits out of their mouth and don’t let them swallow it. Treat the spots in the mouth with Iodine. My older hen is not eating on her own so I have to tube feed her Kaytee Exact bird feed. Without my tube feeding her she would die. Hope this helps it’s a terrible disease.


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