Can you mix silkies in with a regular flock........

rooster brandon.

9 Years
Sep 10, 2010
Kodak, by knoxville
Can you mix silkies in with a regular flock of chickens........or do you have to keep silkie with silkie........................
Just my personal experience/opinion, but I never mix Silkies with other breeds. Silkies (that have large crests) can't see well enough to defend themselves against attacks.....they can't fly to get away from an aggressor.....they don't roost, so they get poohed on at night by the other birds roosting.....and most importantly, those Silkies with large vaults~~~one peck aimed at their exposed brain, and you can end up with a dead, or neurologically damaged bird.
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Silkies raised with other chickens generally do well. Silkies introduced to existing flocks are generally bullied, picked upon and frequently killed. Due to their placid nature, impaired vision and reluctance to roost they generally do best by themselves or with other mild mannered bantams.
I have 12 silkies that were raised with my other chickens (most of them) and they actually are near to the top of the pecking order. They are in their own little coop though. They are thus part of about a 75 chicken flock.

But I have some older chickens - 19 of them- that are in a flock by themselves. They peck and peck my younger ones, unless I let them visit the other flock one at a time (which I do since the younger ones have a large garden).
I introduced my silkie to my standard sized flock when everyone was about three months old. Never a fight or anything and they DID perch together close and cuddled. All you need to do is put a perch lower and off to the side that the silkie can use to jump onto, and from there jump onto the big perch. I think anything is possible, but your best bet would def be raising them together
ya, my two are high on the pecking order as well. And they do roost at night with all the others. My huge SLW roo actually prefers to have a silkie on each side of him. I guess with any animal, there are always exceptions to the norm.
If you decide to mix them be sure their crests are small enough for them to see well. I have 2 silkie hens that free-range with my LF girls, but I make sure their crests are clipped so they can see well. They all get along just fine...

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