Can you help me?

You want Liquid B Complex 1 ml over a tasty treat 1X a day until you see the foot stronger depending on how long this has been going on depends on how long it will take. Many times if caught early it can take less than a week. The foot may not completely straighten out hopefully it will but this doesn't mean the B complex isn't working keep it up for a least a week after you see the improvement. Then you can change the niacin to Nutritional yeast or brewers yeast just make sure the brewers yeast has niacin in it. I prefer Nutritional yeast for a niacin supplement once the B complex has worked.
You want Liquid B Complex 1 ml over a tasty treat 1X a day until you see the foot stronger depending on how long this has been going on depends on how long it will take. Many times if caught early it can take less than a week. The foot may not completely straighten out hopefully it will but this doesn't mean the B complex isn't working keep it up for a least a week after you see the improvement. Then you can change the niacin to Nutritional yeast or brewers yeast just make sure the brewers yeast has niacin in it. I prefer Nutritional yeast for a niacin supplement once the B complex has worked.
Thank you so much..❤️

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