Can you have only 1 Rabbit?...


14 Years
Feb 7, 2007
Hi, I have two Mini-lop Rabbits, both female, outside in a hutch near our backdoor. They are approx. 5 years old and one is meaner and more dominant than the other. I wouldn't mind getting rid of her and just keeping the sweeter one...Can I keep one rabbit in a hutch? Do I "need" to have two for company reasons?

Thanks for reading!

TJ ~:>
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Just out of Curiosity, Is the female Spayed? Cause an Us-payed Female, can be very aggressive!

I personally think rabbits do better in pairs. Especially if they live outdoors.
Hi Critter Crazy, no - they're not spayed. I didn't even think of spaying them. Does spaying a rabbit cost as much as a dog or cat? And you say it makes them a better rabbit?

Thanks for responding!

TJ ~:>
Not only are they calmer, and better, they are also more healthy. An unspayed rabbit has a huge risk for many medical problems. An Un-Spayed rabbit has a 85% chance of getting cancer.

yes, it is pretty cheap to spay a rabbit, around here it is about 40$. You will want to find a vet that can do this.

I just re-read your post, and saw that your girls are 5yrs old, they are getting close to the cut-off point for spaying, as most vets wont spay a rabbit 6yrs or older, as surgery becomes risky at this age. Most prefer to have rabbits spayed at 6 months old.

I am not sure at this point, whether or not, the aggression will lessen. but it is still worth a shot. I would taklk to a vet about it first.
Hi. I have 5 mini lops 3 females and 2 males, all brothers and sisters. (I couldnt find suitable homes for them from an unexpected pregnancy!!!!)
Ive had the boys desexed and it cost the same as a kitten.$140 each!!
Spaying does help to some extent though I have 2 brothers who were both spayed and yet if they are allowed to mix will fight to the death.
My females who free range do fight occasionally when they are in season but not as rough as the males.
There is always a dominant one.
My ideal mix would be a desexed male and doe.
If you just spay the male then the female will mount him and bite because she cant understand why he doesnt mate her. Well thats what has happened in my yard but they are freerange so they can get away.
It is a specialised operation and a gentle anaesthetic needs to be used by the vet.
If you do decide on spaying make sure you shop around for a vet experienced with bunnies.
Your bunnies should live to approx 12 years so its a worthwhile operation.
Good luck
A really good site is "hopperhome".
Sorry i forgot to say that Ive seen plenty of bunnies on their own from my petsitting business and they all seem fine.
Ive seen a bunny with a guinea pig which works really well.
But its always lovely to watch a male and female bunny cleaning each others heads where they cant reach.!!!
Thank you Critter Crazy and bantymum for all of the info.! I've actually thought about giving them away, they were older and rather "wild" when I got them and I thought with time and patience that they would become nicer, but it really hasn't happened and I'm beginning to wonder if it ever will.

The lady I bought them from said she would take them back but they'll be butchered, and somedays when they scratch or grunt at me I begin to think that may not be such a bad idea!

Again, thanks for your input!
Thats very sad, I dont like to see bunnies in cages anymore. I had one in a cage and let her out for a while each day, then she stayed out longer and I realised that she wasnt doing any harm to anything so I let her freerange. It was wonderful, she got muscle tone in her legs and jumped around with joy.
Bunnies have wonderful strong back legs and should be allowed to run in a safe area.

I would let yours out and set them free!!!!!
Probably not good advice , this is my heart speaking!!as I dont know if there are any males hanging around!!!
At least they will have a lovely day of freedom and if they are caught by a coyote etc may it be quick, and painless!!
my daughter has been after me for one. i dont want to put it in a small cage so i was thinking about putting it in the silkie pen, which is about 25x25 with a coop attached to the outside. how well will it interact with the silkies? will it burrow under the fence and become rat terrier food?
Hi, I just wanted to say that my two rabbits are in a hutch and a rather large one at that...I hounded my husband to build me one after my rabbits spending a week in their "cage". Here lately we've been letting them out into a secure fenced in area but they are still being lil' wenches. (pardon the term...) Short of being freerange, the hutch is large and roomy for them but I know it is not the same tho'... Anyway, thanks again for your responses.

Oh, and bayourouge, if I'm not mistaken I think the DH means "dear husband" not dumb...I may be wrong but at any rate you can make it what you want! ; )



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