Can you confirm/deny (without having to kill me afterwards, lol)

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Ol Grey Mare

One egg shy of a full carton. .....
8 Years
Mar 9, 2014
My Coop
My Coop
I have seen it mentioned in threads where a new user is experiencing difficulty posting photos that users "have to have a certain number of posts to post photos" (the number that is quoted varies from 5-10 or more) - however, I have also seen posts that are the very first (and only) post by a user that include photos with no issues, so this does not seem to ring true. Can you clarify with certainty whether there is, or is not, a post count requirement for users to be able to post photos on BYC? I think having a clear statement from the "PTB" on this matter would be useful to share with those encountering such issues.
We have had an onslaught of spam recently, and you will see things like this when this happens. The situation is being monitored quite closely -- and we are sorry for any inconvenience.
so this must be why I havnt been able to post pics. iv tried numerous times and have since given up. I was successful with my avatar though. I was thinking that it just wouldnt work from my phone, but I uploaded my avatar from my phone so i dont know. when I try to upload from my phone it lets me select the pic from my device, it then appears to upload but it never ends up in my post... am i doing something wrong? I never have any trouble uploading pics on any other forum.

so what exactly is the minimum post requirement? I have 34 posts now...

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There is a minimum post requirement to be able to use many of our features.

Yes, I understand that - which is why I am asking if posting photos is one of those since, as I said above, I have heard it stated that it is when new members struggle to post photos - but have seen other new members post photos in their first post with no issue. So, is there, or is tehre not, a minimum post requirement to post photos on the site?
Naturally we aren't going to give the info out publicly so spammers can plan attacks.
here im guna try to post a pic again... I click the link above, search through my gallery, choose the picture I want to include, click submit, it says embedding image and then nothing happens.

I just tried 4 times. im certainly not a spammer and I wont jump through hoops to upload an image. I simply wont do it. now I wonder if its because Im a regular on PSO, Poultry Swap Ontario?


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Things change depending on the level of spam attacks we experience. Sometimes we have to tighten up things as a temporary measure to reduce spam and get things under control. They are usually adjusted as time goes by and we see a reduction in spam.

Again, we don't advertise these limits and we shouldn't. We don't like having these limits, but please understand we are doing this to make this a better place with as little spam as possible.
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