Can Peking ducks survive on their own???


Jan 30, 2024
Question- can Peking ducks survive on their own in nature ? (PA region). I have seen Cayugas that were both released and escaped pets in locals lakes and they thrive, but they are much more adept at flying and foraging (and they live in the wild in NY regardless)…

So my reason for about Peking’s is that I was told two appeared in a friend’s backyard three weeks ago. Big house with a couple acres of grass and an 100’ x 50’ pond….surrounded by lots of similar properties….Apparently a pair, then they said one duck disappeared a few days ago. I went to their house today and they showed me…lots of feathers in back corner of yard So killed by predator. The second one allowed me to get about three feet away and feed him some corn. Then I captured him no problem..:you can tell he can’t fly…huge duck! Definitely a male. So where did they come from??? And how long could they have been living in the wild??? I raise call ducks and others so I took him home fed him, cleaned him up and put him in a large pen with some mallards…

I think if I hadn’t brought him home, he would’ve been next on the fox list…too bad I couldn’t save his mate or friend….he seems traumatized.


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It sounds like your friend lives in a residential area and someone thought the pond and land with houses nearby would be a good place to dump these ducks :(

people often dump ducks in neighborhoods or parks that have a pond as they think they'll survive ok there when that couldn't be further from the truth. Usually they survive for a while on people feeding them bread and other junk before eventually being killed by dogs and wild animals.
Yes, my friend has dogs and they almost killed the duck, (had him cornered), that’s why they called me, since they know I am into ducks…. So really, was probably just dumped there or nearby??? So was, he is so fluffy and gentle
Question- can Peking ducks survive on their own in nature ? (PA region). I have seen Cayugas that were both released and escaped pets in locals lakes and they thrive, but they are much more adept at flying and foraging (and they live in the wild in NY regardless)…

So my reason for about Peking’s is that I was told two appeared in a friend’s backyard three weeks ago. Big house with a couple acres of grass and an 100’ x 50’ pond….surrounded by lots of similar properties….Apparently a pair, then they said one duck disappeared a few days ago. I went to their house today and they showed me…lots of feathers in back corner of yard So killed by predator. The second one allowed me to get about three feet away and feed him some corn. Then I captured him no problem..:you can tell he can’t fly…huge duck! Definitely a male. So where did they come from??? And how long could they have been living in the wild??? I raise call ducks and others so I took him home fed him, cleaned him up and put him in a large pen with some mallards…

I think if I hadn’t brought him home, he would’ve been next on the fox list…too bad I couldn’t save his mate or friend….he seems traumatized.
Bless you for saving him.
Exactly what Fawkes said.

People dump them and think they’ll do just fine “on their own,” but really what’s happening is they’re being fed by other people in the park. The Cayugas are also only “thriving” because people are feeding them.

They can’t fly to get away from predators, or to migrate, or to find a new pond with new food. Without human aid, they’d either starve or get picked off by a predator.
Thank you for rescuing him. People are truly thoughtless at times. 😡

As you saw with the other one, they can't survive. Cayuga wouldn't survive either, those must also be dumped pets.
Interestingly - there are cayugas in a public lake near my house and they have been there for years (pre-covid at least)…I’ve seen them fly medium distances …lots of wild mallard and geese too…but this Peking seems completely different, smaller wings, bigger body, helpless in the wild. Yes, I am caring for him .
Is there any estimate on his age? Same duck as shown sitting in truck…here is close up.

It’s an odd neighborhood for dumping ducks, but I think your are right…no other way they could have gotten there…lots of fences, they must have walked in or quite possibly been dumped over the fence by a neighbor…a few of them do have chicken coops


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Is there any estimate on his age? Same duck as shown sitting in truck…here is close up.
I mean, he’s at least 3 months old, since he has a drake feather, but I would guess he’s probably closer to a year or older, since now is around the time when ducklings are first being born, and many people are buying them. I haven’t been able to find much info on telling the age of a duck after they’re an adult.

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