Can I have the nest box level with the coup floor?


Free Ranging
Aug 19, 2020
Victoria, Australia
I have three chickens, and at the moment I have the nesting box level with the coup floor. They are not laying yet, but they're also not sleeping in the nest box. The coup is about 50 centimetres off the ground. Should I put the nest boxes up a bit, or is this not necessary? Thanks! :)
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My nest boxes are level with the floor. My other coop had them 4-6” higher than floor. Both work, but my girls actually prefer the slightly raised boxes. I have never used higher boxes because I adopted my broody in the first ever batch of chickens. 4-6” is easily navigated by day old chicks.
I have double decker nest boxes 5up 5down even with the floor


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One of my coops has 3 nesting boxes staggered from around 1 to 3 feet to meet all preferences.

And yet, the girls sometimes prefer to lay in the corner under the poop board at ground level where I can barely reach.

I guess the point is to do your best and floor level should be fine. Unless you have weird birds like mine. Then be ready to hunt eggs regardless.
The first coop I built, I put the bottom of nest boxes 1 foot high.

Not good as a broody nest.
The coop I bought have nests a few inches off the floor.

When I remodeled the coop I built, I lowered the nests and added another so it's about the same height as the bought coop.

Both Flocks took to these lower nests, with easy access.
My first Flock also took the the raised nests with perches in front, out about 4 inches and down about 2" and a roost leading up to nests made for easy access. GC
If you're using deep bedding in the coop and the nest boxes are level with the floor they're going to get smaller and smaller and smaller as they fill up with bedding when you add additional layers.

Hence why I added some scrap wood to make feet to elevate my nests a few inches. Once bedding was added, the nests end up level with the floor litter.

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