Can I get some help from someone with careless neighbours who own dogs.

There is a sprinkler jet unit you can buy that is motion activated, meant to spray at deer and rabbits to keep them out of gardens.
Alternatively, some hot wire installed low to the ground.
I was about to recommend a motion activated sprinkler when I read your post. I installed an electric fence last summer after reading a lot of articles and watching videos but it still quit working last fall .Theres a lot more to installing an electric fence than a sprinkler
My neighbours dogs have been getting out repeatedly and I’m done, yesterday they were tormenting my poor chickens and making them go nuts. Ive posted about this before but now I’m mad and want more help. What can I do without them knowing I called animal control or knowing I killed the dogs. She also started complaining when I told her to keep her dogs in about the roosters crowing when her dogs wake us up at midnight barking at frogs and things they find in the yard. I just am worried about my flock’s safety so what can I do.
If you live in a county where the dogs can be trapped and picked up by county officers the same day you catch them I highly recommend this first.Unfortunately you don't have a lot of other 'legal' options available if they refuse to help.All other options can lead to you and your neighbors dispute escalating quickly.
If you don't have a fence around your run there's nothing stopping other predators from harassing your chickens during the day or your coop at night.I had irresponsible neighbor for 3 years but I have a fence around my coop and run both so they never got inside my yard. A couple of times they went on the hill behind us to try to see the chickens but its got a covered top
are they going on your property? If they are? can get a game camera which will give proof, call animal control.
Dont kill thier dog, that will open a can of worms.
You are repairing the fence? check your laws and see resposibility is it 50/50? If you keep fixing fence you may be able to charge them if you were to go that direction with this.If you fix the fence and cost you money save the reciepts.
reciepts, game camera pictures, call animal control.
I skimmed thru maybe missed something.
Good luck
my 2 cents
They are corgi/king claviers spaniel, and kill things like rabbits and squirrels constantly
Them being freely allowed to kill is the most reinforcement a dog can have; the behaviour will not stop now. The electric fence is the way to go for your own peace of mind. This is a horrible situation for you.
Do not kill the dogs, it’s not their fault! Would you want them them killing your rooster?
No, you are right. Its the owners fault they bought/trained killing machines. . But you certainly cant kill the owners. And I think these people are probably not the kind you want to make angry.

And electrified fence is a good idea to let the dogs keep a little distance if the are kept in their garden.

Make contact with the neighbours on the other side of them. After you know what kind of people they are, and you might have a friend in this, ask if they have problems too. With a neighbour on both sides who are against the dogs set free they might listen.

In my country several villages and (sub)urban area’s have a ‘neighbourhood mediation’ with specialised people who try to figure out what the (underlying) problem is. They are great in problem solving. Does this exist where you live?
are they going on your property? If they are? can get a game camera which will give proof, call animal control.
Dont kill thier dog, that will open a can of worms.
You are repairing the fence? check your laws and see resposibility is it 50/50? If you keep fixing fence you may be able to charge them if you were to go that direction with this.If you fix the fence and cost you money save the reciepts.
reciepts, game camera pictures, call animal control.
I skimmed thru maybe missed something.
Good luck
my 2 cents
I fixed the fence on the other side of their house that faces the street so it is 100% their fence, but I did it to keep my chimkins safe
No, you are right. Its the owners fault they bought/trained killing machines. . But you certainly cant kill the owners. And I think these people are probably not the kind you want to make angry.

And electrified fence is a good idea to let the dogs keep a little distance if the are kept in their garden.

Make contact with the neighbours on the other side of them. After you know what kind of people they are, and you might have a friend in this, ask if they have problems too. With a neighbour on both sides who are against the dogs set free they might listen.

In my country several villages and (sub)urban area’s have a ‘neighbourhood mediation’ with specialised people who try to figure out what the (underlying) problem is. They are great in problem solving. Does this exist where you live?
Sadly Oklahoma is not a place for that I feel like it would get physical with some of the people in this town (not me and my neighbours but like the bike stealers and crackheads)

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