Can chickens survive hot weather?

Choose breeds with light frames, sparse feathering and very large combs and wattles - these structures are what dissipate heat, just like Brahma cattle have large neck folds and ears - they live in hot places and need the extra skin to shed the heat. Research what breeds do well in hot climates (what would you find in Africa, the desert, etc). Certain breeds are heat adapted. I know that when I had cochins they do NOT do well in temps over 90 and high humidity (ie Virginia summer). I had to hose them down under their feathers. You can also put ice chunks in your water, or provide frozen treats like watermelon or the like. Shade, and fans for air movement, water misters, there is a lot you can do depending on whether or not you have electricity at your coop.
Install a misting system. I also use fans to move the air around. Put ice blocks in their water(freeze some green peas into the block;the birds love frozen green peas). If you have running water, you can install a misting system. Mine was made by MistyMate and cost $40 on amazon.
I googled where you are and it sounds like a fantastic place. And hot and dry.
If i were you i would get a leghorn type, with a straight comb.
Also a white chicken is said to stay cooler than chickens with dark feathering. As light colors reflect the heat and dark colors absorb it. As you probably already know.
Also i am wondering what breeds are avaliable where you are? Also what type of chicken feed is avaliable to you?
Good luck!
In hot weather, air conditioning is simply mandatory. Just imagine that it's hot in the summer now, but what is happening in Australia ? It's just a nightmare.
In hot weather, air conditioning is simply mandatory. Just imagine that it's hot in the summer now, but what is happening in Australia ? It's just a nightmare.
Yes, they can survive if only you create conditions for them. While it is summer and there is intense heat, it is better to take them to a small room with air conditioning and constantly look after them. These will be the ideal conditions for their life. I advise you to do this because I also faced intense heat at one time, and I saw how my chickens felt terrible. I bought an inexpensive air conditioner for them. I brought everyone into the room, and they felt great, even better than usual. However, because I bought an affordable air conditioner, I often had to do the cleaning. Otherwise, the chickens would get sick.

Yes, they can survive if only you create conditions for them. While it is summer and there is intense heat, it is better to take them to a small room with air conditioning and constantly look after them. These will be the ideal conditions for their life. I advise you to do this because I also faced intense heat at one time, and I saw how my chickens felt terrible. I bought an inexpensive air conditioner for them. I brought everyone into the room, and they felt great, even better than usual. However, because I bought an affordable air conditioner, I often had to do the cleaning. Otherwise, the chickens would get sick.

Chickens are outdoor animals and do not need air conditioning. Chickens live all over the world, including in hot climates, and have adapted to chicken life just fine without needing an AC and a TV and a martini. Chickens aren't people. You just have to be conscious of their adaptations and get breeds that are suitable to your climate.

Also, this thread is more than 2 years old.

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