can chickens eat Maggots??

If you are squeamish about chickens eating maggots, last month I saw a TED video advocating humans eating maggots and other insects buggy type things. It is called Entomophagy (human consumption of insects) and is advocated by the U.N. as a way of increasing world access to protein and nutrient rich food sources with a lower carbon footprint than livestock. But after all is said and done my personal bug dietary intake is limited to lobster!
yes, you just have to make sure the maggots don't crawl in your chicken's vent because that makes them sooo sick
i dont think chickens can eat maggots my mother said that if the maggots are alive they will eat the chickens insides and end ip killing the chicken
P.S pirate is my roster phoenix breed and he only has 1 eye

I'm pretty sure that maggots only eat dead flesh. That is why they can use them to clean up wounds.
I am curious about chickens, maggots and fly strike. If a chicken is afflicted with fly strike, why doesn't the chicken itself, of any of the other chickens make any attempt to pick off and eat the maggots that are crawling on them. I could see them on the surface, in a wound but that chicken was not eating them off herself, nor was any of the other girls trying to eat them. Does anyone out there have any insight as to why this is?
my worm bin recently became maggot infested, I dumped it out in a chicken run and the chickens feasted on them. I normally dump them in the chicken runs to give them worms anyways. They like worms (some do anyways) but they love maggots.
i gave my girls a quarter of a watermelon 2 days ago as a treat. They didn’t finish it all and later on I pitched the remaining rind in the compost bin. The next day I opened the bin to put something in and saw that a hoard of maggots was working furiously on the watermelon. I retrieved it and put it in the run and the girls went nuts with them. I returned the rind to the compost after they scarfed up all the scrumptious protein. Alas, this morning I found another wiggly, delectable treat for later today.

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