Can anyone tell me what this is?

Kuntry Klucker

12 Years
Jun 9, 2010
Tennesee Smoky Mts.
Hi all,

I have a sick guy. He has yellow crusty stuff around his mouth. His face is swollen but his eyes are fine. Eating and drinking normally. Poops are normal and vent is clean. I have been putting vet RX in his water and apple cider vinegar.

No avian vet, the vet I take my cats to does not see farm pets. So I'm on my own. Has anyone seen this in their flocks before? Any guidence would be much appreciated.

He has been in this condition for a few weeks. I thought croyza at first but now I don't know. Any help would be great.

He is a year old and his name is Van Gogh.




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have a sick guy. He has yellow crusty stuff around his mouth. His face is swollen but his eyes are fine. Eating and drinking normally.

Can you take a photo of the inside of his beak?
What do you feed?
I would suspect he might have canker or possibly a respiratory infection if there is facial swelling. Treatment for each would be vastly different, so a good break down of all the symptoms you see along with more clear photos of the nostrils, inside of beak, a good photo of the yellow crusty, eyes, etc. would be good.
Thanks, I will get some good pics tomorrow and post them for review. Thanks again.

Right now I can testify that his eyes are clear, not sure about his mouth but I will get that tomorrow. His face is swollen and he has yellow crusty stuff around his beak.

Hopefully pics will be more conclusive.
To me it looks like he might have a fungus called favus around his face. The other possibility might be scaly face mites. Do you see any loss of feathers around his face and head, with crusty skin? I also would like to see any possible yellow gunk or cankers inside his beak. I would apply some antifungal cream, such as Monistat or clotrimazole every day with a rubber glove. You don’t want to get it or spread it. That would treat favus fungus, but if it is scaly face mites, you would want to use vaseline on the lesions.
Scaly face mites and favus can look a lot alike. Favus may look chaulky white. If a vet is available, you could take a piece of tape and press it on his skin, to have the vet look at it under a microscope for mites.


These chickens responded to ivermectin and vaseline for treatment of scaly face mites.
To me it looks like he might have a fungus called favus around his face. The other possibility might be scaly face mites. Do you see any loss of feathers around his face and head, with crusty skin? I also would like to see any possible yellow gunk or cankers inside his beak. I would apply some antifungal cream, such as Monistat or clotrimazole every day with a rubber glove. You don’t want to get it or spread it. That would treat favus fungus, but if it is scaly face mites, you would want to use vaseline on the lesions.

After doing some reproach I think that its canker. Matches his symptoms to the T. Thanks for your post.
After reading replies and doing some reproach I think canker is the most likely culprit. I have read a wide variety of treatments such as copper sulfate and parasite treatment used in aquariums and ponds.

What I am not sure of is the dosage. Can anyone who has been down the road before please inform me on the dosage for these treatments. I am leaning towards using parasite treatments for aquariums due to the fact that everything else needs to be ordered and I don't think I have that much time this close to christmas.

Has anyone used aquarium treatment? What products and treatments did you use?

Did you see any growths or gunk inside the beak? Any pictures? Metronidazole 250 mg daily for 5 days is the usual treatment for canker. It is found online sold as FishZole 250 mg and it also may be found as API General Cure, but make sure that it has metronidazole listed on the label. Acidified copper sulfate can be used in the water 1/4 tsp per gallon of water for 3 days each month to help prevent the spread to other chickens. The waterers and feeders should be disinfected since canker is easily spread to other birds.

I still wonder about the yellow patches of skin about the face being something else, either favus or scaly leg mites.
Thanks! Yes, there is gunk inside his beak. Could not get a good pic will try again tomorrow.

Do you know if there is an egg withdrawal after using the copper sulfate.

I am pretty sure that he has canker. I will try the copper sulfate and see if he improves. Thanks for all the help.

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