Can a Cream Legbar chick that looks like a female end up being a roo?

The rooster is a mixed breed. No crest, red earlobes, red (not cream dilute), white skin. One of the hens in the second pic is barred and cream, the other is not barred or cream. 

My goodness, well I can't thank you enough for your info, it has been very helpful. How disappointing... I'm going to let the breeder know this
The breeder probably won't listen. Odds are, they don't know the first thing about Cream Legbars, nor do they care. If they did, they would have figured out what is wrong with the rooster a long time ago. The "breeder" is either willfully ignorant, or just doesn't care.
Yep, the rooster is very pretty colored, but he's not the correct color for a Legbar. No crest, red ear lobes, wrong skin color. Who knows what egg shell color gene he carries.

I'd be asking the seller to refund your money at the least. You paid for a CCL pullet and got a mixed breed cockerel, that should be made right.
Yep, the rooster is very pretty colored, but he's not the correct color for a Legbar. No crest, red ear lobes, wrong skin color. Who knows what egg shell color
gene he carries. 

I'd be asking the seller to refund your money at the least. You paid for a CCL pullet and got a mixed breed cockerel, that should be made right. 

Thanks Donrae, I told the breeder all the feedback I got, she doesn't seem too knowledgeable and I have learned from all of this as well. I only paid $20 for the chick, but now I don't know what to do with it. I really want a CCL and don't know if any local breeders that have them and won't be buyers by from this lady ever again

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