Can 3 lovebirds live together?

Three would be fine together in most cases. you just have to be VERY careful when introducing them. I would recommend getting them all the same sex though. Two males may fight over one female. Two females and one male would be fine.

HOWEVER, I do not recommend getting any other lovebirds if this one is intended to be a pet. Once you introduce more (Especially if they are females) they will almost always get nasty towards humans. Males are more tame and won't jump out of the cage to attack, but females WILL. LOL, and they sure can be painful! Also, a pair of lovebirds will breed and breed and breed. For some that could be a problem.

If you do decide to get a third, try not to buy it from a pet store. See if you can find a breeder, or better yet adopt. So many lovebirds end up without homes because people don't realize what kind of pets they actually are.

Good luck and if you have any more questions feel free to ask! I work in an exotic bird sanctuary and have experience with almost all types of parrots, large and small.
I bought a pair of love bird in October but after three week female bird fly then I bought a female bird same day but it almost 7 months they don’t breed yet why and today I rescue a female bird and I kept it in same cage is that ok
Three would be fine together in most cases. you just have to be VERY careful when introducing them. I would recommend getting them all the same sex though. Two males may fight over one female. Two females and one male would be fine.

HOWEVER, I do not recommend getting any other lovebirds if this one is intended to be a pet. Once you introduce more (Especially if they are females) they will almost always get nasty towards humans. Males are more tame and won't jump out of the cage to attack, but females WILL. LOL, and they sure can be painful! Also, a pair of lovebirds will breed and breed and breed. For some that could be a problem.

If you do decide to get a third, try not to buy it from a pet store. See if you can find a breeder, or better yet adopt. So many lovebirds end up without homes because people don't realize what kind of pets they actually are.

Good luck and if you have any more questions feel free to ask! I work in an exotic bird sanctuary and have experience with almost all types of parrots, large and small.
Can I jump in on this post please? Our lovebird have just laid eggs. One has hatched and now we are unsure whether or not we can keep the chick as it will obviously mean having an odd number. Not sure if they will all get on together once the chick is independent.
My lovebird is very sweet and loves people but when ever he sees my other birds he just doesn't care about people anymore and only my other birds but if you are worried about them fighting that could be a possibility depending on their gender but I have seen 3 lovebirds together just they grew up their whole life together
My lovebird is very sweet and loves people but when ever he sees my other birds he just doesn't care about people anymore and only my other birds but if you are worried about them fighting that could be a possibility depending on their gender but I have seen 3 lovebirds together just they grew up their whole life together
Thanks for replying. We obviously have a male and female. Not sure what sex their chick is. I'm afraid that one may get turned on?
Thanks for replying. We obviously have a male and female. Not sure what sex their chick is. I'm afraid that one may get turned on?
The male and female should live together peacefully I think you should separate the lone lovebird in his own cage just for his/her own safety especially if it was a she female lovebirds are very territorial and might hurt anyone weaker than them so I would just separate them in different cages and I have heard many people say that a lovebird can't live without a pair but my lovebird Mango has been with me for more than 2 years but anthor thing is lovebirds are very moody birds especially when with other birds they won't 'turn' on you they will just not care about you I keep my birds in separate rooms because my lovebird would blow his head off trying to get toy cockatiel that doesn't like birds so she would probably try to hurt him. When I first got my lovebird he was a very sweet boy but then suddenly started biting I became very afraid of him but a few months later he became his normal self it was just a mood swing and I don't think a bird would turn against their owner unless they did something bad to them but for your birds own safety I would separate your bird into his/her own cage you can try to look for another pair for it but that is not necessary if you spend enough time with it

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