My buff is so, so stupid that even my neighbor who has never been around chickens has commented on how she thinks she seems "different" somehow just from watching her activity compared to the rest of my flock. I do have a barnevelder who is being mercilessly picked on and the buff is the only one who doesn't mess with her. She sticks close to the barnevelder and grooms her and will let her sleep next to her at night on the roost bar, and that makes me love her for being so sweet. I found an old pic of my Lenny to post and she's even with the barnevelder in that pic 😂


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Question, I have only had Orpington hens so far, and would like to know what your experience has been with the roosters' temperament. I have so far loved my hens, and as I am not sure how 2 out of 3 of my roosters of other breeds will turn out, I am considering an Orpington. Any roosters I have must be child friendly.
Question, I have only had Orpington hens so far, and would like to know what your experience has been with the roosters' temperament. I have so far loved my hens, and as I am not sure how 2 out of 3 of my roosters of other breeds will turn out, I am considering an Orpington. Any roosters I have must be child friendly.
I had a buff orpington cockerel that was starting to get aggressive, but he got removed before I could tell if he was settling down or not.
I have got a cuckoo orpington x sussex that is excellent, takes care of his hens, without being aggressive, but he is watchful, and I'm not sure whether I would let him be around children without supervision, unlike my light sussex rooster who I trust completely.
Question, I have only had Orpington hens so far, and would like to know what your experience has been with the roosters' temperament. I have so far loved my hens, and as I am not sure how 2 out of 3 of my roosters of other breeds will turn out, I am considering an Orpington. Any roosters I have must be child friendly.
I have found mine to be hit or Miss. I’ve now had 3 of them and they’ve all been lavenders and they have all been lovely until puberty. One was very skittish and then turned into a butt, one was very friendly and was a bit of a butt to everyone but not me, and my current one is a big baby and hides on me when the other chickens are mean to him 😆 I think it truly depends on the breeder and if they are selecting at all on personality. They are really good sized roosters, so a good breeder quality one may be a safer way to get one. I do love them though, they are so gorgeous!

This is my boy tonight on my lap hiding from my bantam Cochin rooster and hen 😆

I have 2 LOs and I love them sooo much! One of my LOs was extra tiny fluff when I first brought her home from the store (wasn't sure if she'd make it at first.) Fast forward 6 months she's my adorable problem child 🤣

She is a SUPER irregular layer with teeny tiny eggs and a crow that quite literally sounds like a goat. She also LOVES cuddles and exploring♡
We currently have four Buff Orpingtons. They are very sweet. They lay wonderfully, and keep us supplied with eggs. Years ago, we had a mixed flock (with two Orpingtons). After they all passed with age, we decided to start another flock. We chose Orpingtons, only, this time due to the temperaments of our first two gals. Our new group has the same sweet, docile nature.
Hello from England!🇬🇧 I've just come across this thread. I have broody raised and incubated orpingtons here on this side of the pond. We keep cockerels and roosters too for the table, we're very small scale. I've tried my hand at a number of breeds and have found, time and again, that Orpington roosters and cockerels have been the most laid back boys we've had around our young kids. Sure, they get quite amorous when their hormones come surging through as they start to reach maturity, but we've always found they calm down once the girls follow suit and fall into line.
Of all the breeds we've had, the French Marans have been the feistiest, the kids stopped visiting the chickens (quite rightly) as the boys had no fear on charging at adults, even though the spurs hadn't come in yet. We've moved past all other breeds for now...who knows what the future will hold!:confused:

Here's some from our flock:
The pictures are from earlier in the year. The weather of course is horribly wet here now for a few months, I will try and get some pics on here as the weather improves. In the last pic, you can see how some like to stand on the trunk under the window, and watch me pottering about the kitchen. I swear the lazy "bring-food-to-me" boys could sit there all day if I let them!


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We have 5 Buff Orps, plus 1 Buff sex link cross,& 7 black sex link layers and our black Sex link Roo he is very gentle with our girls......We had to get rid of the Buff Roo as he was way to aggressive with the ladies. None of our birds are named as it makes it to hard to put them in freezer heaven. Don't get me wrong I love my birds.....Just kill them when they have a name....

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