Call duck keeps breaking off wing/flight feathers


9 Years
Mar 24, 2014
Southern Maryland
I have 13 call ducks with one duck that has always had poor wing
-feather development (he's two), he keeps breaking off his flight feathers. Is this something potentially genetic as he is the only one with this problem? They are on Nutrena Nature Wise All-flock and always have access to a filtered pond/waterfall to bathe/swim.
Can you post pics?
The only time any of my ducks got broken wing feathers is when they were over mated. I do have 4 drake Calls but they are just now getting to be mating age and it is not mating season here yet. I did have a drake over mate another drake also of different breeds and his feathers were broken off from it really bad until I got rid of the problem drake.
The only time any of my ducks got broken wing feathers is when they were over mated. I do have 4 drake Calls but they are just now getting to be mating age and it is not mating season here yet. I did have a drake over mate another drake also of different breeds and his feathers were broken off from it really bad until I got rid of the problem drake.
Sorry, I haven't had a chance to get pictures. It's been rainy and they are hard to catch. I should clarify, it's a drake. When he was a juvenile, he held his wings down often, like they were super heavy. He has since began holding his wings up, and the damage isn't super noticeable unless he opens his wings up. His outer primaries are okay for the most part, but the underlying primaries and some of the secondaries have the damage. The quills almost look shredded? I'll try to get a picture this week.

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