BYC's Random Funny Posting Thread! Hosts Mike & Sally

shawluvbirds yes that was me over 20 years ago. I was going thru men-o-pause but, found him just in time. He was 2 years younger than me 6'7" and 256 lbs. .

My ob-gyn had put me on estrogen replacement hormones and I blew up like a balloon.
Another doctor saw me and said" tell him to reduce the dose." He did and I lost 16 lbs. of fluid in 10 days. Good grief. That was scary.

My OB knew all about babies but 0 about older women.(actually I was 2 yrs.older than him) I didn't even have any side effects of menopause. I told him I was going to stop taking it. He wasn't happy but, said if I ever wanted to go back on - he'd be happy to prescribe for me.

To be fair though he wanted me on it to help protect my bones. But my mother died of estrogen dependent cancer and he knew it. My choice of evils.

PS I was still probably 5 ft. tall in the photo. We got a lot of stares when we were out together. He was as afraid of walking on ice as I was (no help there) I made him promise NOT to Fall on me.
You found him just in time for what exactly?
Or do I really wanna know. :lau

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