Announcement BYC Newsletter Changes - Weekly Newsletters

UPDATE: Since we have such a HUGE list of peeps to send this to, we're going to be slowly ramping up distribution.

The first edition "issue" will be sent this evening to about 600 peeps (Staff, PFM's, and should also be anybody that registered directly here). Next Friday will be a much bigger list, then the following Friday an even bigger list. We hope to have the entire list receiving each week's issue by the end of the month.

Oh, and FYI: There's a built-in "auto-snooze" feature where if you don't open or click a newsletter for an issue or two, it "snoozes" them so you may stop getting them as often until you open / click one again.

:fl everything goes well!!!
Our 2nd edition/issue of the new weekly newsletter is going out tomorrow (Fridays) at 6:30 pm PST.

We're still ramping up the distribution, and this time it will go out to about 60,000 peeps. Hopefully you'll be on the list! :)

(FYI: if you want to cheat and make sure you get on the next send, click this link and wait about 10 seconds and then enter your email address: )


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