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This version is the correct one. Elements of Style Forever!

The test for whether to use “I” or “me” is to mentally remove the other elements and read it: this weekend (me) went... or this weekend (I) went. So obviously you wouldn’t say “This weekend me went to a chicken convention...” unless you are 3 years old and haven’t learned to refer to yourself as “I”.

Another example the other way: Ronnie gave (Susie and) I some laying hens. At first it might seem correct but when you take Susie out you realize you wouldn’t say “Ronnie gave I some laying hens.” Obviously the correct pronoun is “me”.

Also as @drumstick diva points out, if you are listing people and you are included, you always go last.

This whole thing is a pet peeve for me. Grammar lesson over. Thanks for reading!
Do another one.
Another lesson.:D
to too and two... one of mine

How about plural.... I have fits over this one... VS possessive

Yeah I agree. Also their, they’re, and there. Let me think about possessive. The lesson is on the tip of my tongue. I was so lucky to have GREAT English teachers. I need help with : vs ; .
Hi, some my first news is done

On the news recently you hear about how bad guns are and about mass shootings but you never hear about the good part of guns.
This weekend me and 700 other Minnesotan 4-hers took part in the Minnesota state shooting sports and wildlife event. At this event you can shoot archery, BB gun, air riffle, .224-H Shooting Sports & Wildlife Invitational., trap, muzzle loader and pistol.
Do you know how many kids were shot or how many protesters should up? NONE. Through this program kids are taught safe firearm practices for youth of any background.

With this program for each type of gun you shoot you have to practice at least 16 hours with a certified coach. At practice, kids who have never touched a firearm, learn safety of firearms and how to use them. Out of all the years I have never seen or heard of one accident with a gun and these kids. All youth who take part are taught safety before ever handling a gun.

It’s good to hear that others are joining 4-H shooting sports. We had a competition this past weekend, too. This year will be my second year shooting, and it sure won’t be the last.

Can I ask if you placed?
It’s good to hear that others are joining 4-H shooting sports. We had a competition this past weekend, too. This year will be my second year shooting, and it sure won’t be the last.

Can I ask if you placed?
This year I didn't place. I placed 7 th last year in 3p air riffle. I also shoot .22. what did you shoot?

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