BYC mentioned in Cape Cod Times

You may have seen buff riding her bike with her helmet and slippery shorts.

I just found your message tonight! So sorry it took me so long to reply. You'd think someone who uses her computer all day long would be smarter about message boards, but I'm a bit techno challenged and I never got an email message directing me back here.

Yes, I am Laurie Higgins and I did write the article in the CC Times. Thank you so much for your kind words! And so nice to find a fellow Cape Codder on this forum.

I stopped by tonight because I'm terrified that my granddaughter's chicken, Tinkerbell, is actually going to have to be renamed Mr. T. We weren't planning on keeping roosters, but how do you explain that to a four year old? Do you know how to tell (or when we can tell) if a chick turns out to be a rooster?

Tink is very people friendly, but bigger, more assertive and more developed in the head gear department than the rest of our chicks.

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