BYC Member Interview - Sussex19


BYC Staff
Premium Feather Member
10 Years
Dec 12, 2013

Come say hello to @Sussex19 who has been a member since July 2022 and comes to us from NSW Australia.

1. Tell us a bit more about yourself. And is there a story behind your member name?
I live in NSW, Australia, and while not very young, I am most definitely not old!
When I joined, I couldn't think of a username, so went with something very straight forward; my favorite breed, and the number I had of them at the time.
My favorite things to do (other then chickens stuff) are looking after our animals, driving cars (fast :oops: ) some hiking, swimming in summer, and anything else that takes my fancy.

2. Why and when did you start keeping poultry?
I got my first two pullets and one cockerel in the autumn, around April 2021 for a guess. I have always loved the idea of keeping chickens, I remember getting a run ready for some many years ago with my dad, but we never did at that time.
The time was just right to get some, I had finished my schooling, and was feeling at a bit of a lose end.
I started looking around at what breeds I wanted to keep, and was drawn to Buff Orpingtons, but at the time I couldn't find any for sale near me; so when two Cuckoo Orpingtons pullets came up for sale, I grabbed the opportunity! As I wanted a rooster right away too (I always have been a bit impulsively!) I got a Light Sussex cockerel to go with them, and am very glad I did, as that started my love for the Sussex breed.
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3. Which aspects of poultry keeping do you enjoy the most?
I think just seeing them enjoying a new area, with lots of good places to scratch around, watching them find bugs to eat.
Also, when a hen has gone broody and hatched out chicks, I can spend ages just following them around, helping to find the odd bug.
I also really like raising my own meat, from when they first hatch to when I am eating them, and everything between, like good flock management to keep everyone happy as the young teens grow up.

4. Which members of your flock, past and present, stand out for you and why?
So many of them do!
Of the two Cuckoo Orps, I only have one now, and she has always been one of my favorites. She hardly lays, just a week or two of eggs every spring, but makes up for it by just being a standby in the flock. She is always top hen, but never appears to enforce it. She is a stunning as well!
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Also, Chicky-pie who was my first Light Sussex pullet.
She has laid many a wonky egg, and put herself on the cull list so many times, but has also got herself off it even more times. She is just so funny, when she preens she makes funny little grunting noise, and is very dear to my heart.
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5. What was the funniest poultry related thing that has happened to you in your years as an owner?
There has been many small things, but nothing that has stood out in particular.
When Buffy, a Buff Orpington who is no longer with me, went broody, she changed dramatically! Normally, she was a very shy, timid kind of hen, but when she had chicks to look after, it was a different story!
I tried to pick on of her chicks up, and had this small round ball of fluff fly straight at me, practically knocking me over, and taking a chunk out of my hand. I never made that mistake again! :D

Buffy keeping an eye on me, I do miss her a lot.
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6. Beside poultry, what other pets do you keep?
Too many! I have one small black rabbit, Parsley, two elderly guinea pigs, Flap and Winkle, one mini pony called Cannonball, and a black TB x draft gelding called Bungo.

Cannonball, and Bungo in the background.
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Also, nine goats, Balin, Bill, Dalen, (the boys) and Snowball, Alice, Flora, Daisy, and two as yet unnamed (the girls) and five sheep, Gizmo (the ram) Max (wether) and Margaret, Marigold, and Maisy. (the ewes) all except Max who is a cross, are coloured Merinos.

The hill behind our house, and the sheep
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And then, along with the rest of the family, we have many cats, (both inside and farm) and two dogs, Gemma who is a Shar-pei x Aussie cattle dog, and Paddy, who is a black mix.
Our two dogs playing
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7. Anything you'd like to add?
I have really enjoyed being a part of BYC, and it has helped me so many different ways, not least spelling, as when I first joined I was really struggling, but having some motivation to write things really helped!
I don't know what next year will bring, it is looking like one of the worst fire seasons in history, and I know many people have been losing birds from the heat over in the US already; so just make the most of your time with all your birds, and other animals, and enjoy every singe minute of your life, as one never knows what the future will hold.

Just a couple more photos...
One of my golden cuckoo Marans
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Bela, a frizzle cockerel
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Hazel, My bestie ex feral cat
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For more information about the interview feature and a complete list of member interviews:


Come say hello to @Sussex19 who has been a member since July 2022 and comes to us from NSW Australia.

1. Tell us a bit more about yourself. And is there a story behind your member name?
I live in NSW, Australia, and while not very young, I am most definitely not old!
When I joined, I couldn't think of a username, so went with something very straight forward; my favorite breed, and the number I had of them at the time.
My favorite things to do (other then chickens stuff) are looking after our animals, driving cars (fast :oops: ) some hiking, swimming in summer, and anything else that takes my fancy.

2. Why and when did you start keeping poultry?
I got my first two pullets and one cockerel in the autumn, around April 2021 for a guess. I have always loved the idea of keeping chickens, I remember getting a run ready for some many years ago with my dad, but we never did at that time.
The time was just right to get some, I had finished my schooling, and was feeling at a bit of a lose end.
I started looking around at what breeds I wanted to keep, and was drawn to Buff Orpingtons, but at the time I couldn't find any for sale near me; so when two Cuckoo Orpingtons pullets came up for sale, I grabbed the opportunity! As I wanted a rooster right away too (I always have been a bit impulsively!) I got a Light Sussex cockerel to go with them, and am very glad I did, as that started my love for the Sussex breed.
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3. Which aspects of poultry keeping do you enjoy the most?
I think just seeing them enjoying a new area, with lots of good places to scratch around, watching them find bugs to eat.
Also, when a hen has gone broody and hatched out chicks, I can spend ages just following them around, helping to find the odd bug.
I also really like raising my own meat, from when they first hatch to when I am eating them, and everything between, like good flock management to keep everyone happy as the young teens grow up.

4. Which members of your flock, past and present, stand out for you and why?
So many of them do!
Of the two Cuckoo Orps, I only have one now, and she has always been one of my favorites. She hardly lays, just a week or two of eggs every spring, but makes up for it by just being a standby in the flock. She is always top hen, but never appears to enforce it. She is a stunning as well!
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Also, Chicky-pie who was my first Light Sussex pullet.
She has laid many a wonky egg, and put herself on the cull list so many times, but has also got herself off it even more times. She is just so funny, when she preens she makes funny little grunting noise, and is very dear to my heart.
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5. What was the funniest poultry related thing that has happened to you in your years as an owner?
There has been many small things, but nothing that has stood out in particular.
When Buffy, a Buff Orpington who is no longer with me, went broody, she changed dramatically! Normally, she was a very shy, timid kind of hen, but when she had chicks to look after, it was a different story!
I tried to pick on of her chicks up, and had this small round ball of fluff fly straight at me, practically knocking me over, and taking a chunk out of my hand. I never made that mistake again! :D

Buffy keeping an eye on me, I do miss her a lot.
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6. Beside poultry, what other pets do you keep?
Too many! I have one small black rabbit, Parsley, two elderly guinea pigs, Flap and Winkle, one mini pony called Cannonball, and a black TB x draft gelding called Bungo.

Cannonball, and Bungo in the background.
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Also, nine goats, Balin, Bill, Dalen, (the boys) and Snowball, Alice, Flora, Daisy, and two as yet unnamed (the girls) and five sheep, Gizmo (the ram) Max (wether) and Margaret, Marigold, and Maisy. (the ewes) all except Max who is a cross, are coloured Merinos.

The hill behind our house, and the sheep
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And then, along with the rest of the family, we have many cats, (both inside and farm) and two dogs, Gemma who is a Shar-pei x Aussie cattle dog, and Paddy, who is a black mix.
Our two dogs playing
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7. Anything you'd like to add?
I have really enjoyed being a part of BYC, and it has helped me so many different ways, not least spelling, as when I first joined I was really struggling, but having some motivation to write things really helped!
I don't know what next year will bring, it is looking like one of the worst fire seasons in history, and I know many people have been losing birds from the heat over in the US already; so just make the most of your time with all your birds, and other animals, and enjoy every singe minute of your life, as one never knows what the future will hold.

Just a couple more photos...
One of my golden cuckoo Marans
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Bela, a frizzle cockerel
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Hazel, My bestie ex feral cat
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For more information about the interview feature and a complete list of member interviews:
Nice interview @Sussex19! You forgot the rally car though :p
Nice to meet you @Sussex19 . You have some gorgeous birds. I don't see many light Sussex around here. I want to give Cannonball a big hug. I love ponies, and mini horses. Looks like you have a nice variety of critters.
Sadly, if you tried to hug him, he would be on the other side of the paddock in record time.
He was a bit of a rescue, and while he is quite trusting with me now, he's terrified of strangers.
It took about a day for us to catch him when we bought him, and that is also when he got called Cannonball, as he acted like one across going across the paddock!

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