BYC Member Interview - fuzzi


BYC Staff
Premium Feather Member
10 Years
Dec 12, 2013

Come say hello to @fuzzi who has been a member since April 2022 and comes to us from North Carolina.

1. Tell us a bit more about yourself. And is there a story behind your member name?
I'm a mother and Grandma, married to my best friend and sweetheart for over 40 years. I'm still working full-time, but am getting close to retirement.

I like gardening, photography, bird watching, reading, and singing in a little church choir. I have loved animals all my life, and currently am owned by one geriatric dog, one housecat, several feral cats not yet trapped/neutered, freshwater fish in three aquariums, and of course chickens!

My member name has been my online name since AOL of the 1990s. I was a "harmless little fuzzball", which got shortened eventually into fuzzi...always lower case and with an "i".

2. Why and when did you start keeping poultry?
About 30 years ago on impulse I bought a rooster and three hens at a flea market. I was totally unprepared, threw together a yard and a box as a coop. One hen went broody, so we put her in a wire cage with her eggs. The other chickens were killed by a predator, but my children and I raised the chicks and enjoyed them for several years. Since then I still wanted to have a flock again at some point.
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Fast-forward to a couple years ago, I started thinking about having chickens once I retired. And then I moved up the timetable. I found BYC, educated myself, then started the active process of building about a year ago. The first chicks came home on March 1, 2023.
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3. Which aspects of poultry keeping do you enjoy the most?
Their personalities, interacting with the chickens gives me joy. But I do get enjoyment also when I problem-solve, troubleshoot, make their environment better in some way.

4. Which members of your flock, past and present, stand out for you and why?
"Miney" was the broody that hatched out the replacement flock 30 years ago. She never allowed us to handle her, but she was a good momma.
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With my current flock I think Martha stands out the most. She was the first chick to try new things including sitting on my lap, and she has an endearing way of asking for treats: she approaches me from the side and gently pecks my skirt, looks at my face, and makes little query noises.
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5. Anything you'd like to add?
BYC has been a fantastic source of information, but I believe the best part of the forum is its members, who offer a wealth of experience, expertise, and camaraderie to anyone who joins.

I can't possibly repay what has been given to me, but I do try to pass on what I can as I am able.


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