BYC Café

I think Pip (who I treated for salpingitis) is still laying no-shell eggs from the roost. Or getting off the roost and dropping no-shell eggs when she gets up.

They like egg shell better than the oyster shell I have. It's the crumbly little chunks. I'm out of egg shells now.

I really really hope I don't have more than one bird dropping these eggs.

Yesterday, I bought a 10 pound bag of 19% protein layer feed. It was $12; would be cheaper in a big bag. It's pellets, and they're used to crumble. I gave it to them as their mash snack (wetted down and soft). I saw some flakes of oyster shell in the feed; I don't know if all of the OS is that form or not. I picked out half a dozen to give to Pip with some mash, and she ate them after an inspection.

Does anyone get OS in flake form? Do your birds like it better?
Coffee is ready.

Sheesh! I'll be in shorts when I get home today. Highs in the mid-60s and bright sunshine.

The grief share meeting was what I feared. FAR too religion based. This may offend some and if it does, I'm not sorry. I'm not offended if you believe and have faith and you should not be offended if it don't. I never have. I got kicked out of Sunday school for questioning the teacher in class when I was 5. And whether anyone likes it or not, there are a lot of us out there. And a lot of other people who don't believe in Christianity either. Billions of them. I live a good life and do right by others. Better than most from my observations and comments I've heard over the years. I'm not a bad person who needs to be saved. So. Now that's out of the way.

The program consists of a 30 min video on a specific topic with various people sharing their stories about that topic with narrative following. I should not have it shoved down my throat that the only way to recovering from the heart wrenching loss(es) that I've suffered is to accept Jesus as my savior and let Him guide me. I literally squirmed in my seat and had a hell of a time not just getting up right then and there and walking out the door. I will be the one going through this and no one is going to guide me with Divine intervention. I need a platform for discussion and support and it should be non-denominational. Period.

I left the meeting room and waited out in the hall for my sister and the group lead (retired pastor) came out with me after I explained why I was leaving stating "I'm sorry but this format just isn't going to work for me". He then went on and tried to convince me that I should believe all the was said in the video and I politely informed him that he was being disrespectful to my beliefs after I just told him that is what I didn't want either. It took quite a few volleys before he finally realized what he was up against and we just talked about some of what brought me there.

My sis finally came out and collared me and said that she told the other two counselors my beliefs and why I left and they said I should come back to the next meeting but not until after the video is over and they would respect that I don't want or need to have any religion crammed down my throat. So I'll try again next week and see if they will respect it and not go there for me. If they do for the others, I don't care. If it helps the others, I hope they do. It just won't help me.
I am so sorry you had to experience that.
I am also quite shocked that it was a religious based group without advertising that fact up front. Makes me angry.
There absolutely are grief counselors and groups out there that are not religious in any way. I am just not sure how to find them in your area. Hospice folk usually have experience and contacts but if I am remembering right you found this one through hospice.
You might be probably be better off with a private counselor.
Can't afford that. I would get just 8 free sessions through my work EAP program and that's it.
Maybe the hospice can make a recommendation.
They have a non-secular grief share support group but for some unfathomable reason, they don't offer it to the family of their deceased hospice patients until 3 months after the passing. I snarkily commented, "so what do grief stricken nearly non-functional people do in the first 3 months, slit their wrists?"
Most support groups, and the general population, are religion centric.
Which is preventing a lot of people from getting help. This is happening with alcoholics too because they also try to tell you in the AA programs that you must accept a higher power to get sober. I find that to be such an insensitive ridiculous statement to make to anyone.
Does anyone get OS in flake form? Do your birds like it better?
I don't think flakes would be the best form for OS. They need something that will take time to "dispense" from their gizzard. If you can figure out who she is, give her 630 mg of calcium citrate daily for at least a week. It is much more bioavailable that CaCO3.
Which is preventing a lot of people from getting help. This is happening with alcoholics too because they also try to tell you in the AA programs that you must accept a higher power to get sober. I find that to be such an insensitive ridiculous statement to make to anyone.
I spent a lot of years in Al-anon and NA, and I didn't care for the religious aspect.
I also was thrown out of sunday school at a very young age.
But that higher power doesn't have to be capital g-o-d.
There were quite a few people who didn't subscribe to the religious aspect,
including me, and were still able to benefit from the groups and program.
Accept the things you cannot change(other peoples religiosity), change the things you can(our own attitudes).
It helped to know that other people were struggling with some of the same things,
to hear other stories, some much worse than mine.
When my estranged son died of drugs/alcohol I did some googling for support for those specific aspects. Whew, what I got was a sh!t-ton of horrible situations that made me embrace 'comparative gratitude' as a salve.
One book that really helped me after my father suicide and my son's OD to gain and change some of my own perspectives was "How to Survive the Loss of a Love" by Peter McWillaims.
There's no one thing(group/book) that will solve your pain.
Picking up little things that help and ignoring the things that don't can help soothe the path(that never really ends or goes away).
@aart I don't agree that most of the population is religion-centric, I think it's just that we see a lot of it because it's vocal and it's also become political.

@DobieLover I too hope you can find some solace. I don't want to offer too many solutions in a space where you can come to vent unless they're welcome. Just know you're heard and seen and I'm sorry you're struggling and had to go through this. ❤️

@Mtn Margie share snow pics when you get that far! Wisconsin has had the warmest beginning of the year on record, and the warmest March on record so far, and it's terrifying frankly. We applied to a NRCS grant for irrigation because we just can't produce food unless we get help with water management. Nature isn't providing right now. Our CSA is on hold until we figure it out.

Thanks for the coffee all! I woke up with a hefty headache and now I have the pleasure of sitting at work again trying to stay sane and caffeinated. Lots of plates in the air right now with kids, farm, work, and home. We're waiting to hear about a HELOC so we can get moving on some repairs, and the NRCS grant, and my youngest's support from the county (he's special needs) and I can't even get into work stress out loud. Sigh.
Coffee is ready.

Sheesh! I'll be in shorts when I get home today. Highs in the mid-60s and bright sunshine.

The grief share meeting was what I feared. FAR too religion based. This may offend some and if it does, I'm not sorry. I'm not offended if you believe and have faith and you should not be offended if I don't. I never have. I got kicked out of Sunday school for questioning the teacher in class when I was 5. And whether anyone likes it or not, there are a lot of us out there. And a lot of other people who don't believe in Christianity either. Billions of them. I live a good life and do right by others. Better than most from my observations and comments I've heard over the years. I'm not a bad person who needs to be saved. So. Now that's out of the way.
I would have walked also right out.
GOOD MORNING ALL! Yes it's a VERY GOOD MORNING seeing how FH is off his medical and went to work today. All I can say is MEN are NOT good patients at all!!!!! About to get laundry started seeing how I didn't get a chance to finish it yesterday because of a miserable :duc:rant:mad:. Now don't get me wrong I love him but when he's home for more than a day or the weekend he gets too be too much and just likes to supervise then say "that's not how my Mom did it or the way my Sister does it" or he says "well seeing how you have finished that you can go do this or that NOW"
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@DobieLover I am very sorry you have to deal with the people who like to cram religion down throats. Yes, I believe there is a Higher Power up there but I don't press it unto others. I personally send you hugs and will lend you a shoulder to cry on or a pillow to scream into if you need it.
Amen, lol. I was forced to go to church when young. I have my own beliefs and do not want to be drowned in Jesus or God lectures.

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