BYC Café

Good Afternoon, Cafe’!

Never fear, there is a bipartisan committee of politicians introducing yet another bill (The Sunshine Protection Act) to end the time change nonsense. At this point, I don’t even care which time they change it to (although my preference would be to have DST in the winter). Just make it stop! I think I read that it passed the senate last year, but the House couldn’t agree on it.

DH and I spent some time in the greenhouse today, working some brown gold into the soil. We have good old barnyard compost from when there were dairy cows on the farm, and later my horses.

We're supposed to get a few nice (but too warm for the season) days, and I think I might dig out some chicken run gold to put on the garden. I didn't realize how high the ground had gotten in there. (No, not high enough to bump my head on the roof. :) )

Michigan has taken up the DST issue a few times, and might again this year. I suggest they put it on the ballot. That might get people out to vote...
In most countries in Europe ‘summertime’ starts the last day of this month.

We had a nice day here. Not much sun but the cold is gone. Lots of early flowers bloom in our garden now: crocuses, narcissus, snowdrops, Japanese quince, hyacinths, and a small ornamental cherry.

What does BYC cafe have on tap tonight?
We're supposed to get a few nice (but too warm for the season) days, and I think I might dig out some chicken run gold to put on the garden. I didn't realize how high the ground had gotten in there. (No, not high enough to bump my head on the roof. :) )

Michigan has taken up the DST issue a few times, and might again this year. I suggest they put it on the ballot. That might get people out to vote...
I am amazed at how few people get out to vote, at least in my general area.
How did it go and did you need to sit down when they presented you with the bill?
I was so worried because my phone was doing a reboot loop and wouldn't shut down or start up for about 30 hours. But they were able to restore it, which made me so happy, since it's not in warranty. Luckily stuff like that you don't pay for...that's part of why iPhones are so expensive up front. I had also somehow magically backed it up three days before it went kablooey, so I got EVERYTHING back!

When we got back we unloaded my fella's new smoker the kids and I went in on for his 40th birthday (tomorrow!) and collected Sussex and Dorking eggs. He's going to be fixing the fan motor on the incubator this week so we can start our spring run. I'm absconding from work tomorrow and taking him out for breakfast, a hike, billiards, and sushi. ❤️
I was so worried because my phone was doing a reboot loop and wouldn't shut down or start up for about 30 hours. But they were able to restore it, which made me so happy, since it's not in warranty. Luckily stuff like that you don't pay for...that's part of why iPhones are so expensive up front. I had also somehow magically backed it up three days before it went kablooey, so I got EVERYTHING back!

When we got back we unloaded my fella's new smoker the kids and I went in on for his 40th birthday (tomorrow!) and collected Sussex and Dorking eggs. He's going to be fixing the fan motor on the incubator this week so we can start our spring run. I'm absconding from work tomorrow and taking him out for breakfast, a hike, billiards, and sushi. ❤️
Happy birthday to him. Oh, to be 40 again.
Good morning Café!

A freshly brewed pot is on the counter to help start the day :caf

I was so worried because my phone was doing a reboot loop and wouldn't shut down or start up for about 30 hours.
What a scare!
they were able to restore it, which made me so happy, since it's not in warranty.
Must have been such a relief!
Luckily stuff like that you don't pay for...that's part of why iPhones are so expensive up front. I had also somehow magically backed it up three days before it went kablooey, so I got EVERYTHING back!
Wow! Congratulations!

But were they able to explain to you what happened and how to avoid it in the future?

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