BYC Café

I was my aunt’s executor when she passed away. She had donated her body to science and didn’t want a funeral or memorial of any kind. I did, however, have a gathering in the church basement - bars and coffee and a chance to tell stories, visit, whatever. I didn’t get a chance to proofread the obit that the pastor wrote before it was printed. I just wonder where her head was when we had talked about it, because the information I gave was so twisted and confused, I wasn’t even sure it was for my aunt. One of her friends called me and tried to insist that I have a “proper funeral” upstairs in the sanctuary of the church. I told her that Auntie didn’t even want me to do as much as I was doing, and I wasn’t going to do any more. When Auntie’s ashes were returned to me 18 months after her death, she sat on the hutch I inherited from her until I was able to make arrangements to bury her at Ft. Snelling with my uncle. My mom, sons and their families and DH and I were the only ones in attendance for that.

You really need to do what they want.
Good afternoon, café. I brought a fresh pot. I promise it hasn't been out at long as I have. I hope everyone is doing well.

I just set a dozen eggs yesterday! I'm terribly excited for them. Isabel brahmas. I used to have dark brahmas, and they were the best grasshopper getters I had. Also, very good mama's. So, fingers crossed for a decent hatch rate.
Good afternoon, café. I brought a fresh pot. I promise it hasn't been out at long as I have. I hope everyone is doing well.

I just set a dozen eggs yesterday! I'm terribly excited for them. Isabel brahmas. I used to have dark brahmas, and they were the best grasshopper getters I had. Also, very good mama's. So, fingers crossed for a decent hatch rate.
Hello Meg.:frowIt's been a while. How are you doing?
Hello Meg.:frowIt's been a while. How are you doing?
Hey, Shad! I'm doing pretty well, thanks. I just returned from a 5 day trip to Mexico. It was my first trip down there. I had a ball. Lucky for me, I had good people watching after all of my animals. How are you doing? Are you still in the same spot? Do you still have the plot of birds?

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